Zone 7a North Carolina...keeping bulbs in ground?

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

New to gardening and to the state of NC. I live in Zone 7a, I have around 80-100 glad bulbs in the ground. Can I keep them in the ground over winter? They are planted approximatly 6-8" deep, and I will have mulch down by winter time. Thanks a bunch! BTW all of the pics on here of everyone's varities are great! I just have the normal varities, but I may expand.


Taylorsville, KY

I've had glads in the ground for about 5 years and never have dug them and they overwinter here in Zone 6. Last Fall, I dug some up because I wanted to plant other things where some of them were situated and ended up knocking off what I guess are the "bulbettes" because now I have a bunch more "baby" ones where I dug. So there might be an advantage to digging them and thinning them every couple of years. I think wet might be more of a concern. Mine are well drained. Kim

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you very much. I have dug up a few as I want to move them, and they already have bulbettes on them. They were just planted this spring. I have heard that certain glads dont last long or wont bloom much as they put to much energy into producing the bulbettes. Hopefully, not mine!

Florence, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm not sure where Taylorsville is Kimmy but I live just south of Cincinnati in zone 6a and I would love it if I could leave glads in the ground over winter. I'm going to try it!

Colville, WA

If you follow the same proceedure as Danielle folks you should be able to overwinter glads if you can prevent the frost from going down to the corm. I have overwintered for 3 season in Zone 5 by mulching a the help of a good snow cover. These are in a perennial garden.

Check out the NAGC Website at if you become addicted to glads you will find some excellent suppliers of newer varieties, growing tips and other information.


Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Will be looking at getting more varities, but first have to get rid of thrips. I thought it was due to excess rain, but maybe not. It seems to only effect the purple ones. Better to be safe than sorry and use my 3 in 1 systemic for roses on them. It will get rid of the thrips.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I have pretty good luck overwintering Glads in the ground here too. I have noticed return is pretty reliable for those planted in areas protected by a structure, and I kinda think some varieties are hardier than others. One thing to keep in mind is that glads produce a new corm on top of the old one each year, so they do gradually work themselves up to shallower depths. Probably a good idea to divide and replant them deeper every 2 or 3 years. Deeper planting helps to keep them from falling over too.

Colville, WA

Your three in one should do the job. on the nasty little fellers!


Auburn Four Corners, PA(Zone 5a)

I too have overwintered glads in Zone 5, but did so only with a good cover of hay mulch. They didn't all come back but most did. I think the main reason for losing those that did succumb was the winter and early spring wetness of the soil.

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)


All of my glads are about 8-14 inches up. They all survived the winter. Even the glads not close to any structure.

I also had freesia and harlequin flower overwinter. The harlequin flower is blooming now.

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

This is good to know for me too. This is my 1st year with glads ... not blooming yet, but there are about a foot tall so far. I'm going to leave them & hope they come back. If not, no big deal I guess ... I can always get more but I'm guessing if they come back for some of you more up north, they should be fine for me here.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I planted some...ohhh about 10 years ago and they're still coming up:) The strongest survivor happened to be white with a tinge of pink in the throat. I dug them up (they're under the TB iris) in 08 and there were hundreds of bulblets all over the place. No way I got all of them so I still have glads in the iris bed:)

I leave mine out and so far so good:lol: Bought a bunch of new colors this year so I'm hoping they do well too.

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