Tuinkabouter's seed list

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

About 200 new kinds of seeds have been added to my seed list. You will find it here: under 'seed lists'

If you're interested in a trade, please let me know. If you don't have seeds to trade, there's no problem: you can also get them against P&P (using Paypal).

As I'm not in the USA, SASE isn't possible.......

Arua, Uganda(Zone 11)

That is quite a collection of seeds! Roughly, how many seeds in a packet?

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Dear Mvule,

That depends. It is different per species. Best thing you can do is to click on the picture, this will give you a description. Then click on "add to cart". Under "options" you will see the amount of seeds that will be sent. This is just for information, it doesn't mean you have bought the seeds.

All you have to do is tell me which seeds you want and what seeds you have, and we will work out a nice trade.

Arua, Uganda(Zone 11)

okay let me see...

might be awhile though life is abit busy right now!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

No problem!

toronto, Canada

Hi Tuink!
Just gathering seeds this year getting ready to trade and happened on your post :-)) It has been a horrible growing year here, but I have a few things that did well. I'll send you a list. The Black & Red Boar you sent me was absolutely fabulous, I will be growing it again next year. Talk soon. KD

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