Please Help Me, I need ya'lls prayers

Winnsboro, TX

Oh my goodness so much for the nice slow soaking rains we were getting. It is flooding here and everything around is is under water. The roads are washed out, our culverts are all washed out, the ponds are all overflowing and we're praying that the dams don't break. We got over 10 inches of rain in less than 24 hours. It's stil pouring and we're stranded as are all the people that live on our rural street.
I called 911 and told them they needed to get some people out and put out high water signs so no one else gets trapped by this. Everything looks like a river, can't see the roads at all. We live at the bottom of a hill on our property and everything around us is about a ft or more under water.

All my irises and daylilies that I was so proud of planting this past week are washed up and most are washed away. I'm just sick over all of this and lossing so many plants, but hopefull all our neighbors and animals will be ok. It's one thing to lose plants but a whole different issue if you lose someone, animals, pets, etc.

Please pray for our area to be spared any major problems and for the good Lord up above to change directions of these storms. We've had more than our share of rain for a couple of weeks.

Thank you in advance and God Bless all of you for praying for East Texas.
No GArdening, just trying to stay safe and dry!

Marshalls Creek, PA(Zone 6b)

I will have you and your neighbors in my prayers! Please be safe and take care of your self
remember when God closes a window he opens a door for us.

God Bless,


Kansas City, MO


Wow, too much of a good thing. You have your priorities right, but what an unexpected ordeal. It doesn't sound like you had any real warning.

You are the greatest encourager on here and it is time to encourage you. This will pass and you have alot of friends to help you get back up to speed on any plant losses at the very least.

You are in my prayers starting now. Keep us posted if you can.


Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Oh my goodness Marian, you have gotten all the rain we need. I will keep you in my prayers, wishing for a good outcome for you and your neighbors. Bless you all, with good weather and sunny skies to dry up all that water.


Lebanon, OR

Marian you and neighbors will be in my prayers. It seems at time that Ma Nature wants to screw us up.


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Adding you and yours to my prayer list, Marion. It's been a very trying summer. I can't wait for it to be over.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Thoughts and prayers for you and your family and neighbors,. I promise no more rain dance.
Love Steph

Winnsboro, TX

Just a quick update. over 15 inches of rain just today! At least one death, lots of rescues from trees and bridges and roads washed out. Still raining and no place for the water to run off to. Please keep praying for our little community and all the people that live here!


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Praying for all of you Marian. God be with you all and keep you safe and dry.

Raleigh, NC

we're with you Marian. you're in our prayers. hang in there.

the irises can be replaced. you can't be. keep you and yours safe as possible, please please please.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Marian, I can't imagine what 15" of rain would do. On the night our first son was born in the late fifties, it rained 6" in 24 hours and washed out a bridge in the little California town we lived in! Our prayers are continuing to be with you and your neighbors. Keep us updated.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

How terrifying. I just found this and you, your family, neighbors and animals are in my prayers.


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