plant Identification

Hope Mills, NC(Zone 7b)

I ran this vine in the plant ID forum and received some possible ID's. It was suggested I post it here in the MG forum where I may get a possitive ID. In addition to the photo I'll add some info that might help. The vine stems are covered with hair and the perimiter of the leaves also has hair. In the field all the leaves have five lobes. Hope someone here might help. TIA Bob

Thumbnail by bobwhite1
Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

This looks a lot like it: It is probably some kind of ipomoea hederacea.

Hope Mills, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the info gardener2005. I'm going with the Ipomoea_hederacea. Now can you tell me when is the best time to harvest the seeds and what to look for on the plant to indicate the proper time. Bob

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

if you look at the pics one pod is green and one is papery brown. they are ready when papery brown and pop when you pick them.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Marie - That is a neat website! Is that someone you know or just a site you found?

Hope Mills, NC(Zone 7b)

Great site Imzadi I added it to my favorites list. One more thing before I close this thread, can you propogate MG's from cuttings? Bob

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Bob - My experience is that the wild MGs propogate more successfully by rooting cuttings in water. Most of the I. nils and I. purpureas that I have tried to root in water don't make it. But I have done some of the wilder species and they will root ... Spring is the best time (IMHO) to root cuttings.

Hope Mills, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Becky, and thanks all that have helped. I guess now is the time to close the thread.

Hope Mills, NC(Zone 7b)

Just a quick update. It took awhile and getting through some rough brush but I managed to get some seed. As the article said when the're brown they pop open and the seed fly out. Another question what is the proper way to store the seeds and when is the best time to plant them?? I also found another MG thats deep red I'm going to try and get a photo tomorrow.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Bob - I store all my seeds in either paper envelopes (marked of course) in a dark, cool, dry place. My closet seems to do the trick. I have the envies in plastic containers. But I also store smaller amounts of seed in a 3-ring binder in mini ziploc baggies that are slipped into the sleeves of baseball card plastic pages. See this thread for more ideas:

The best time to plant them is in the Spring or the beginning of summer. You could also try growing some during the winter indoors by a sunny window! :-)

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