MY Greenhouse. Im sharing!!!

Orangeburg, SC

Here are pics of my GH under renovation. I tryed constrution plastic last year. BAD IDEA. No UV protection. It was breaking apart after a month. I found a guy who sold me these pannels 10.00 a sheet 12 ft long. Man That was a find. the are commercial grade and i am so excited. It should be alot easier to heat. I cant wait to fill it. Im already trying. LOL Oh YA 16x16 Brandy

Thumbnail by Jumpin4Joy
Orangeburg, SC

Heres another!

Thumbnail by Jumpin4Joy
Orangeburg, SC

And another

Thumbnail by Jumpin4Joy
Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

Very nice. With your milder weather than I, you should have no problem keeping your plants alive. Too expensive to keep my GH warm in the winter in zone 5. I'm jealous. All I can do is keep dormant plants in there during the winter.

Orangeburg, SC

have you tried wood heat?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7b)

Love your greenhouse, thanks for sharing. I have 17 double paned , six panel , 3 by 3 windows for a greenhouse, I have french doors and a door I can make a dutch door plus shutters and 300 brick, but I am discouraged and how high lumber cost is to put it together, may have to do it in steps and put my plants in my rubber maid shed this winter. It has a couple skylites. I should look on Craig's list or keep asking on freecycle.

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

We used to heat with wood in our old house and now have 3 wood stoves stored in our barn. It's not practical for us to burn wood now. We used to have a free source for the cutting at our old house, but there's nothing like that available here in corn country. With our temps in the winter falling way below 0, I would be a slave to the GH. I still have 3 seasons I can play in there.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Wow, Pastime - what I could do with those stoves... !

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I may be nuts, but I think I read somewhere about burning dried corn stalks in wood stoves for heat. Is your greenhouse very large?

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

I forgot, there's another wood stove in the basement also, that makes 4. My GH is an 8.5 x 16.5 Rion and it is pretty close to the old wooden barn. I think I would get a lot of down drafts due to the 45' barn next to an 8' tall GH. The barn has cedar shingles also and they are very dry. I looked into corn burners, they don't need a chimney just a vent to the outside, but they are very expensive stoves. Almost as much as I paid for the GH. There's power close by so I could get one of the oil filled heaters that look like a radiator and use it in the early spring to get a head start. That may work.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I have the 8x8 rion and after caulking all the joints and other small openings, I was able to use a small electric heater that only clicked on at 55 degrees, barely a blip in my electric bill.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Awesome , your siding is what I sent my hubby after.
If you need a laugh find my thread on here and see what he got. You talking about heat in a GH. wheeeeeeeee
I gotta do something before next year.

But I gotta green house (:


Orangeburg, SC

MIne holds day temps with NOPROBELMs. Itsonly at nigh when the sun goes down i fear. The key is seal that baby up. ALL Cracks, Im gonna put a acutual Propane heater in There, Last year I used a MR buddy and it worked. I also keep a fan going to keep heat circulating. I sell just enough plants to pay for my heating and Im happy. I do this as a hobby. But as long as I can show hubby I can get something back he doesnt complian.Plus it helps buy new plants for My addiction. LOL Brandy

, WI

Very nice Brandy! Congrats.... Got the wood burner going already in WI.... Barb

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7b)

Well it's happening and only $50 in it so far, considering the windows were free, we used the platform we already had. I will have more pics as it progresses on a new thread I did and my old thread on greenhouses out of old windows.

Thumbnail by curvesarein
St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I really like the look of these windows, way to go

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

That looks great!

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Wow that is looking good.


North of Heber, AZ(Zone 6b)

Jumpin, you got a screaming deal on those panels. I bought enough of those to do the roof on my greenhouse, and paid 27 bux plus tax each at Lowes! $700, including screws & those plastic thingies you need to put on the ends. Curves, those windows look great. The ones I got (free, thank goodness) are good but not as pretty as yours!

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