The colors of fall

Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

Just in time for fall. Echi Tomato Soup trying to blend-in with Helenium Mardigras in hues of orange and red. Can you spot how many blooms or buds?
They were grown from plugs.

Thumbnail by Tex68
Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

A close-up of young one -

Thumbnail by Tex68
Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

Here's another Tomato Soup, merely a plug early summer.

Thumbnail by Tex68
Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

Since I'm talking hues of orange - my first Tiki Torch.

I was hoping to post Tangerine Dream too. Alas, one of my Dahlias (over 5ft tall) fell over it due to the storm.

Thumbnail by Tex68
Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

Coral Reef - starting to bud.

Thumbnail by Tex68
Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

Sundown still going strong.

Thumbnail by Tex68
Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

Last for now - FINALLY - a fully formed Double-Decker!

Thumbnail by Tex68
Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

WOW! Gorgeous photos - you have done well with your coneflowers. I don't know which one is my favorite as they are all so beautiful. What a nice gift for September before the winter! Thanks for sharing! Cynthia

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

Very nice photos!

My plants are starting to put up buds now. I removed all of the buds all summer on the plugs. I wanted to let the plants establish before winter. I think I'll let them bloom now that they are stronger and I just hate removing the buds. HA!

Thanks for posting the Helenium Mardigras. I think I want one now. LOL.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Tex, Nice pictures. I like your companion choices too. The purple speckled Verbena under the Coral Reef is going to be great to cool down that hot color of the Coral Reef. Do you find verbenas to be hardy in your climate? I'm in zone 8 and I have good luck with the Homestead Purple living over, but haven't tried some of the others. For 20 years I lived in Zone 9 and all the verbenas and Lantanas lived over for me down there. I'm still experimenting with this chillier zone 8.

I like the Sundown in front of your Knockout Rose too. I have one Knockout and it has the longest blooming season. It is still going strong while my tea roses have slowed way down. I just bought two more (still in pots) and am waiting until October to dig out and move two tea roses and will replace them with the Knockouts. The Knockouts have a mature height of under 5 ft too and look better in smaller beds. The tea roses will go out to the front 40...along my driveway where there is more room for them.

Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

Creekside - the purple speckled verbena is an annual. I 'rescued' that one in a quart pot from Lowe's for 25 cents early summer as it was dying due to lack of care.

On the other hand, depending on the geographical location here in Jersey, homestead verbenas are perennials. I live by the shore/ocean and we are a lot warmer than most parts of Jersey.

Below is homestead purple verbena which is a perennial.

Thumbnail by Tex68
Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

And since you're interested in knockout roses - here's a pink knockout. Mine is also a constant bloomer from spring to fall. One thing I like about them is they're almost maintenance-free and disease-free.

Thumbnail by Tex68
Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

This Mardigra rose bush I also rescued from one of our local nurseries few weeks ago for $3. It was very sickly but now it found a new home and growing happily. LOL!

Thumbnail by Tex68
Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

Clint - I'm sure you're going to like Helenium Mardigras. They bloom on tips of new growths or new branches. So depending on how often you deadhead them or how fast they grow, it will bloom profusely several times a season.

Thumbnail by Tex68
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

The color on that "Mardigra" rose is stunning!

I have never heard of a rose by that name. What a find, and for only $3.00

You did good on that one,

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

Okay guys, I am still jealous! Tex68, your gardens are so amazing! Diana, I agree on the knockouts. I'm not much into roses, but I did find a gorgeous KO rose tree that has been blooming all summer - no care but water. It's awesome - my kinda rose, lol. Anxious to see new photos of your echies once the SS kicks in, lol. Cynthia

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I just got a Knockout Rose this summer. Despite being ran over with a lawnmower, it's still going strong...LOL.

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

LOL, Clint, you ran over a rose bush and it's still going strong? Just solidifies what a green thumb you have - or a green mower (John Deere) in this case. I moved my Echies all to the backyard - was met by a snake in the front yard where I had them planted (weren't doing well). Cute lil guy startled me. With the amount of clay we sit on, I'm so not sure they'll do well anywhere I plant them. Heavy sigh.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Super photos. Roses down here love being run over by a lawnmower or something similar. You have to prune them back practically to the ground every 4-6 months to get them to regrow and bloom nicely again.

Ravenna, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Tex! I lived in Long Branch for some years, and grew up in Little Silver. It's a small world after all! I lived on Ivy Place, which if my memory serves me right, if off Atlantic Ave. I grew up in Little Silver and went to Red Bank Regional HS. My sis lives in Shrewbury and my son lives on Edwards Ave.
I miss the beach a lot and especially the boardwalk! But I don't miss the traffic at the Racetrack! :)

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Did you plant your Helenium Mardi Gras from seed or a potted plant? I tried finding a place that had seeds, but couldn't at all.


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