Lawn fungus. Need Help.

Sandwich, IL

Does anyone have experience with fungus problems in lawns? I have several dead spots in my lawn & have been advised that it is a fungus issue. How should I address this problem? I have seen both commercial solutions (Scotts, Etc.) & homemade remedies ( dish soap, baking soda...). I think the problem traces back to the previous owner of my home who did not mow the lawn on a regular basis which led to excess thatch & moisture. Any help you can offer is appreciated. I live In Northern Illinois.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

When you pull at the dead spots, does the grass come up in pieces like carpet? If so then it could be a grub problem, not a fungus problem. I know there are products on the market for that as well. I'm sorry no one with more knowledge has responded . . . I would go to your local nursery or garden center (NOT a big box store) and ask for advice there. Hope this helps a little!

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Isn't it odd that there doesn't seem to be a lawn forum here?

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5b)

Maybe you could try posting on the Garden Pests and Diseases Forum?

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