not a good day

Valdese, NC

i am almost positive i have found evidence that voles are in the iris garden
tonight is peanut butter and mouse traps - wish me luck

do you have other pest control ideas

mr toad

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I can send you one of my cats! They eat anything that moves, baby rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels :)

Taylorsville, KY

My cats do the job for me, too! I can't imagine what I would do if they didn't! Good luck!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Cat here too. Plus I have mini ponds, those plastic formed ones, that I have in the garden, with some small holes to keep my water irises wet, and they attract the mice, moles and voles to the water, then they get in and can't get out and drown. We get a lot of them that way.

Winnsboro, TX

LOL Polly. I was thinking about something a little more fun. Like a shotgun and blowing them little suckers away! WE did that the other night with an armadillo that was tearing up everything on the place. I couldn't catch him, so we just shot him. End of story till the next one shows up. LOL


Taylorsville, KY

Marian!! All that water has made you mean! Has the water receded yet? Thinking and praying for you and yours.

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Cats for me, too!!! Have 3 Manx and 2 3 Manx are much younger and catch all of the crap I don't want in my garden (including the shrews which only eat bugs and cats won't eat) . Plus...moths and grasshoppers and other flying bugs as well!!
I haven't thought of a shotgun though!! :) I like that idea!! Traps? We used sunflower seeds when we were capturing them for research.

South Hamilton, MA

Cats don't eat shrews because of oily glands underneath the skin--information from a mammalogist.

Gainesville, TX

mariam...and whacha think of the coons?

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Yep!!! My DH and I are both mammalogists, he just retired as Assoc. Head of the Biology Dept. @ VA Tech.
We have worked with quite a few species of those. Nasty little buggers!! LOL!!

Winnsboro, TX

Hmmm, coons are wonderful as long as they leave all my STUFF alone. Unfortunately they and the coyotoes ate all our watermelons this year. We had over 1000 melons and they ate all of them except about 5-or 6.

Oh wonderful, more rain is coming and were under another flash flood warning till late tonight. Weather just came on. I hate to say this but, I'm tired/sick of all this wonderful rain for awhile. I'm getting webbed feet!


Gainesville, TX

same here...and they won't eat them til they are ripe..just one day before I planned to pick, they cleaned out the entire patch.the little bird feeder I pictured the other day with the squirrel in it...the coons tore down 2 of them last night.they are hanging from a strong limb about 8 ft above the ground by a small cable

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