5 guys, 4 parachutes

Tallahassee, FL

A small plane was flying with five people on board. The pilot, who wasn't very conscienscious, realized he had miscalculated fuel requirements. The plane would crash far short of their destination. Being the coward that he was, he set the plane on auto pilot, informed the passengers that the plane was going to crash, and then jumped out with a parachute. The passengers were momentarily stunned, but then scrambled to find parachutes. Unfortunately, finding three, they were one short. It looked like someone would have to go down with the plane. They put the parachutes in a pile, and prepared to draw straws. Suddenly, the doctor jumped to his feet and said, "I'm too important to die! I save lives!" With that, he grabbed a parachute and jumped out the door. The lawyer, quick to see where this was going, jumped up and exclaimed, "I'm the smartest man in the world. The world deserves to have me live!" With that, he grabbed a chute and jumped out the door. Remaining on board were an old priest and a school boy. The old priest looked at the school boy and said, "You take the parachute,son, I have lived my life." The boy, grinning from ear to ear, said, "Neither of us has to die father! The smartest man in the world just jumped out with my backpack!"

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