Clematis Maria Cornelia

Prince George, VA(Zone 7a)

Can anyone provide information about the subject clematis? I saw it on the Brushwood Nursery website and it looks gorgeous. I'm a newbie and have just discovered that the smaller vined clematis may be easier to grow, at least that's what the website says. I would like to plant it among my pink Knock-Out roses. any information would be appreciated.

Baton Rouge, LA

Ford, I believe you are thinking of the smaller flowered cultivars, as opposed to the smaller vined cultivars. Maria Cornelia is a viticella that grows to 10 feet, so it's not a smaller vine.

Appleton, WI

I don't have Maria Cornelia yet, (should be shipping soon), but it suspect it will get too large to put with your rose. Most, if not all, knock out roses don't get over 4 feet. Maria will probably smother it.

It is stunning though, and one of the best whites.

Prince George, VA(Zone 7a)

Beautiful! I guess I'll have to find somewhere else to put it. :) Any suggestions for one to plant with the roses?

Appleton, WI

Maybe Bourbon.... the color is bright and might be ok with your bright pink.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Great to see you here, fellow Va gardener. Why don't you call Debbie at Silver Star, for example and ask her about plants that would work. I know she was great to help me with which clematis would go best with each rose. She is very helpful, even has a clematis recently named after her! What a wonderful statement that would be. I have knockout roses that are every bit of 4 feet and in some spots have 3 planted together making a mass - so if you have a large rose area you could weave the clematis back and forth.

that is the link on Garden Watchdog for Silver Star. Where do you get your roses for the Va zone? I buy from Palatines and have received the best roses for this cold zone.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Julia -- where did you order Maria Cornelia from? I've signed up to be notified when it's available at Brushwood, but haven't seen it anywhere else. Thanks! Laura

Baton Rouge, LA

Wickerparker, I think Brushwood is the only vendor carrying it right now. I've scoured the net for it as well! What a beautiful clem.

Shihtzumom, it would be helpful if you would share the information you received about which clems would be ideal for your locale. What cultivars have been successful? Then everybody here could benefit from the information.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Several of my friends have her and RAVE about her vigor and much so that I am presently looking for this posting...Jeanne

Appleton, WI

I ordered Maria Cornelia before Brushwood was out of stock.

Prince George, VA(Zone 7a)

Shihtzumom, Hello Neighbor! Actually, I only have 5 Knock-Outs right now but I plan to purchase at least 5 more. I purchaed all of them from the Ft. Lee PX and they're doing beautifully!
Thank you so much for the information for Silve Star. What clemantis do you currently have growing in your garden?

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I don't know that my zone plants would help you in your zone. You have asked me twice about my plants but I really do not think they would help you and all the knowledge you have to offer. So not 'everyone' would benefit. I actually do not desire to be the queen bee of clematis as I'm learning from the professionals. I google lots, contact different vendors, ask lots of questions and buy books. I thought you were "new" to clematis but I see you have a great deal of knowledge - is this experience or information gathered from another source? If source, where did you find it? I would like to gather such wonderful detail myself.

Fordr4 - I'll dmail you with plants I have and share some pictures from my garden. We are very close so maybe we can share some plants and visits.

JeanneTX, haven't seen you in awhile. I didn't know if you still posted or just watched threads but I don't get on DG much - I have a full time job and family to care for so time does not allow much DG time, sadly. Do you still have the same gardener that you had a few years ago? He did a great job with your yard.

Baton Rouge, LA

Shihtzu, I've read a lot about clematis since I got started with them this spring. Since I couldn't find too many people on DG who were growing them in the South, I wrote to members of ACS who live in my area and asked about their strategies. I also dmailed a lot with Jeanne, and she was very generous with her advice. I visited the ACS, ICS, BCS and COTW websites for cultivar and culture information too. They are all packed with great info. Then I started reading a lot of the clem books that were at our public library. I found that a large amount of the information overlapped... and that the general info available in the European clem books is not all that different from what Southern ACS members were suggesting. After all, Japan is Zone 9, which is higher than my area! And much of England is Zone 8. So, it turned out that a lot of the books were applicable to my region, even though I didn't realize it originally. I've also found that a lot of the strategies with clems are similar if not identical to roses, and since I've grown them for 30 years, it was an easy transfer. Finally, for chem treatments, soil amendments and things like that, I've relied on the MSDS panels and reference guides. I've got an easier time with those as my son works in research at the Ag Ext... it's rather easy to get answers that way! Actually, in practice, I've found the clems to be a lot easier to grow than I anticipated. I had allowed them to initimidate me for years... I really thought they would be difficult. Happily, that hasn't turned out to be the case at all. Now, if I ever want to try hybridizing... I'll be back to square one of inexperience!

If you're looking for good books, I'd be happy to share the names and authors for the ones I found most helpful. Our library had a lot of them... from beginner to advanced... and there are a lot of great used copies for sale on Amazon for the great out-of-print ones.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Shihtz...No, I haven't been on in a while because our Dad had a stroke and I have been away.Life is finally getting back on track..Congrats on your new job!!..Yes, I still have the same gardeners but unfortunately they only mow and edge and my gardens have gone to heck during my absence. The Morning Glories and Cypress Vine seedlings have taken over everywhere almost resembling Kudzu!! I still have about 10 clematis to plant and want to order about 10 for's been just too dang hot to get out and tackle the jobs that await me in the gardens.I am presently praying for fall to come so I can get back out and plant...glad to see everyone is well and doing fine..hugzzzzzz to all..Jeanne
ps...Evey..I must say I've enjoyed sharing my knowledge of Clematis being grown in hotter is key not all varieties will flourish especially those that need cooler temps and a dedicated cold prolonged winter..there are so many I've dreamt of growing and stubbornly DID to only find them last one season and wither from the lack of that much needed cold, in essense, we learn from our failures and hopefully can pass on that knowledge to prevent our fellow zoners from the heartache we've endured watching a precious clematis eventually bite the dust!!..I really hate killing anything especially the most beautiful flowers on earth...

Prince George, VA(Zone 7a)

Shihtz...Thank you so much for the friendly extension of gardner friendship. We will definitely have to do that. I took your advice and I contacted Silver Star and she wrote back right away, to my delight. I checked out her website and I can't wait until this Spring to order some new clems. Looking forward to your dmail. I too, work a full time job and can do DG sporatically.

Athens, PA

Jeanne -

I hope your Dad is doing better.........

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm with you on the working full time taking a break to view daves. I don't know how so many people can stay on the threads and post constantly. I guess retirement would help! Hope that happens in a 8 years. I'm venturing to different areas of DG since I'm growing tired of the clem thread. I'm finding new garden buddies in different threads as I ask about other plants. I'm very glad you contacted Silver Star, and that is where I call for help with any clematis issue. I go right to the source. I learn a great deal about roses from Diamond123 who is my buddy in Ohio. It's pretty much time to move on to different aspects of gardening.

Keep in touch fellow Va gardener.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Carolyn..he is starting to speak better and is working with a therapist as he is paralyzed on his left side..but hopefully will get his movement back..all we can do is pray!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, Jeanne, good luck to him!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Katie..Nice seeing you hon..I've missed you...Jeanne

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Jeanne, I'm so sorry about your Dad. I wish him a full and speedy recovery.

Athens, PA

Jeanne -

I hope that his recovery is quick and painless. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Jeanne, my best to you and your Dad. Knowing your nurturing spirit, he'll be back to luvin life soon!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm still pretty new to clematis, so I'm mostly a lurker. Hopefully I'll have some nice pictures to post in a couple of years when mine fill out. :-p

I have to second the vote for Silver Star Vinery. The size of the roots on her plants is fabulous.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Carolyn, Figaro and Venu..thanks for your kind thoughts...He is getting better with each passing day...hugzzzz to all...Jeanne

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Jeanne I'm glad to hear that.

I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful clem photos in the future.

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