Pruning bayberry

Bellefonte, PA(Zone 5b)

Pruning bayberry Morella pensylvanica
Can anyone tell me how to prune this? Every time I make a cut above a bud, I get multiple growth shoots. I've tried shearing the older stems low to the ground & still get these multiple shoots. These are 13 years old and 7 feet high, bare on the inside and bottom. HELP!!!!!!! I've also posted this in the Norteast Gardening forum.

Danville, IN

Bayberries will naturally sucker and make thickets. Could you just cut the whole shrub back to 12" or so and let it grow back out thicker and fuller? You might even cut back to the ground. They grow fast.

Bellefonte, PA(Zone 5b)

I thought that might be what I have to do. I was just hoping I didn't have to do something so drastic. Thanks for the advice.

Dahlonega, GA

Rose , that's not drastic . I've cut mine back to the ground , because I decided, after it was four years old , it was too much trouble to keep pruned . It just comes back with a vengeance, year after year

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