American Wisteria. (Amethyst)

Campobello, SC

Is it true this wisteria smells like cat urine? Anyway to change or lessen its smell?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

That's funny, I had one for years, until the tree it was on had to come down, and don't recall noticing any foul smell. Boxwoods, however, do have a discernible cat urine smell to me.

Belmont, NC(Zone 7b)

ahhhhhhh, now I hear about boxwoods! Yesterday I finished planting 50 of the little buggers! Please tell me what to do if they smell. What time of year do they smell? Right now their fine. Is there anything to plant next to them, like a febreeze plant to kill the odor? I'm so sad

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, A fabreeze plant.

I think you have to have the perfect weather conditions to notice it. Goodness knows there are millions of boxwoods in the Lowcountry and we still live here so it is not too bad. LOL

Raleigh, NC

never smelled a boxwood in my life. and we had big ones in the front yard. maybe the variety? ours never bloomed or anything. is it the dwarf ones that smell bad? don't have those.

I've planted hardy rosemary by our front walk, now about 3' tall. Family members have gotten in the habit of reaching for it as they pass. All I can every smell is the piney scent of the rosemary!

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