honeysuckle bush questions

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

I have a small bush in our yard that was here when we moved in, and have been told it is a honeysuckle. However, it's flowers do not look like any I have seen on any honeysuckles that I have seen. These are pink, in the spring, and look alot like a bleeding heart type flower. Right now, it has red berries on it. Do honeysuckles put on berries? Does this sound like any variety of honeysuckle that anyone knows? Any help would be great! Have cross posted in plant ID help also. Thanks!

Thumbnail by skellogg
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Here is another picture.

Thumbnail by skellogg
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

That's pretty much a Lonicera spp. of some sort. With pinkish flowers, it could be one of the Lonicera tatarica selections.

The shrubby honeysuckles do get red fruit, and that's how they become invasive in areas where they proliferate.

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