Thysanolaena maxima - tiger grass

Fraser Coast, Australia

Hi, I was given a rootbound tiger grass yesterday as the chap who had it said it was too big for his tiny porch and he is in a small apartment. It is in a 50cm pot, roots coming out of the bottom and aerial roots on top. It looks like it is in need of a feed, he said he had never fed it, and it was too thirsty for his liking, lol. I have put it in dappled shade and gave it a good soaking yesterday afternoon and it is raining now, so it should lap that up. Although it is not a bamboo, I do want to keep it in a pot. When one of my sons come home I will get him to repot it for me, as the owner would like his pot back. Can anybody give me any idea as to what I should feed it. I thought I might begin with Seasol? Any thoughts would be appreciated. I saw the plant last Christmas, it was all lush and green, but now it is pale green with a lot of yellow leaves although it has flower plumes on it. I am in Queensland.

If it was me I would give it a good haircut ...a drink of seasol as per directions ...
Good luck with it.

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