Help jog my memory

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Someone sent me seeds and for the life of me I can't figure out who it is and if I owe them something. I am asking here first because they are Japanese Blue Picottee MG seeds. All the note says is thank you and the return address is from in Texas. I tried to email that and it is coming up an invalid address. Help me please!!

It is addressed to me as Veronica and not Ronnie which puzzles me even more..

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i got the site to work. it also says it sells seeds. then there is a link to seeds here from her site.

her name on the site is Mrs. Krissa Ann Norton hope this helps Ronnie

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Thank you Marie!! I went to that site but didn't recognize it...never even saw the seeds for sale part of it. They are an Ebay purchase, I remember now.... I wonder why she wouldn't have given me a receipt saying where they came from... just a recycled piece of computer paper with Thank You written on it!! Oh the mystery is solved. I felt like an idiot not remembering if I owed a trade!! LOL

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

hey i would of been weirded out to. i was at first when i went to the site because of the music and stuff. but glad to have helped. Marie

Birmingham, United Kingdom


I sent you the details via d-mail


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