viburnum rhytidophyllum allegheny plants not flowering

Park Ridge, NJ

I have two of these planted in two different locations ( I am in north-east NJ zone 6A/6B. Plants are 3-5 ft. in height very full with dark green leaves. Plant #1 is located in area with full sun 12-4 and plant #2 is in absolute full sun. I deep root feed with a 20-3-3 (organic liquid fert) which has humic acids , micronutrients, etc. I have used this product for 20 years with amazing results. Could this be the reason why. These plants were both fertilized for the first time.



Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

When were they planted? Shrubs will often take a couple years to get going, so if you just planted them in the last couple years then there may be nothing to worry about. It could also be that your fertilizer has too much nitrogen--I don' t know the ideal fertilizer for viburnums, but typically for things that flower you want to use something a little more balanced. Fertilizer that is really heavy on the nitrogen like that can stimulate lots of green growth at the expense of flowers.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Have you pruned your viburnums yet?

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