Roni (Elizabethtown), you're killing me.....

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

I have to post a link here so everyone else will buy your iris before I send you a list. I have no more room this year for any more!!!!!!


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Yes Neil, I know I'm killing you. I'm just getting to be such a good friend to all those I have enabled over the summer. LOL

tee hee *wink*

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I was thinking the same thing last night as I was jotting down names and I'm out of room as well:lol:

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

I placed my second order this month just to make life easier for you, Neil.

Winnsboro, TX

You folks are killing me. Why do you have to keep sending links for us to look at irises? You know what us addicts are going to do! Buy more even when we have over 100 setting on the back porch to be planted. LOL A big box of 50 on the front porch with 25 yellows and 25 blues to plant around my birdbath and make a sunburst out of next year. We are glutons for punishment aren't we.

Enjoyed looking over you list Elizabeth!
Happy Gardening, Marian

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)


Maybe if I post a list of the ones I want, then others could rush and buy them all up. I really can't dig up any more yard this year!

Marian - those of us with the sickness love company.....

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

I know this won't help anyone's addiction, but I planted the first order a few days ago and could not believe how perfect each and every rhizome was.

Gainesville, TX

Even after all the purchases and trades this season, I felt compelled to help Roni out.......least I could do for a fellow sickie

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

You guys are too funny. The sad thing is I've cleared out A LOT!! of irises and I still have more left... Of course there is this BIG open area in my yard that I need to fill....

Oh wait, I have irises in pots for that! :D

Well, my kid thank you and I thank you at least we can eat well after I buy some mulch and compost and grass killer and ...

Is anyone a landscaper and want to stop by to offer advice? LOL


Lebanon, OR

Plus she is getting some from me in a trade and I did clumps not just singles...:) hehehehehe


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Yeah Dee's making me feel inferior... I was all excited about sending her really big single rhizomes with increases (at least for here) and she's goes and says she sent clumps. How will I ever keep up if she keeps one-upping me? LOL By the way Dee your box should be there today sometime (I hope).


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Ok your all killing me too. The H threatened me If I buy anymore as he is tired of digging. What am I to do. I will have them sent to another address?? I will say someone planted them overnight??? The birds dropped them??? If he loves me he will let me plant until the cows come home??? Ok I am looking at the link again.

Lebanon, OR

Well Roni the one that drops off the tonque so well just whatever came up with the shovel you got...AT you got about 5-7 of those, BBG sad to say only one...RR several.


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

At least they didn't go to the compost pile. LOL. :D

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)


Is your compost pile close to your house, have security lights, are you light sleepers, or do you have any large dogs????

Just curious. ;-)


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Neil, you are soooooooo funny!


Lebanon, OR

Neil, LOL, it is out in the lower 10 way away from the house, no lights no security no big wild animals just usin' and a very old dog...

Having to pitch alot this year sad to say but lack of time, if I had time, I would share with my customers.


Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

No complants here, Dee, with the great bonuses you did send......


Winnsboro, TX

ARRRGGGGHHH, Well I went and looked at Elizabeth's Irises she has on sale and I did find a few I'd like to have. LOL You guys make it hard on us addicts. I'll try to turn in an order but it will have to be 2 weeks from now.

1st thing, I have about 200 now that I've got to get planted (good grief) self punishment
2nd. still planting daylilies and seedlings!
3rd. Spraying daylily and iris beds to rid grass and other weeds. Spot treating areas.
4th. A couple of other projects that mean I have to spend some money that I hadn't planned on until the last day or so. (grin)

So Elizabeth, if you have any left and their still on sale I'll turn in an order shortly.
Happy Gardening, Marian

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Marian, just dmail me when you are ready. I'm caught up on the rush and am twittling my fingers as the much needed rain falls. I'll probably try harvest American Red Bud Tree seed pods this fall so they don't fall into the newly replanted beds. Anyone want some? LOL!


Winnsboro, TX

Oh my goodness here we go again. I have told all of you how forgetful I am haven't I?
I forgot all about this and somewhere around here I do have a list of the ones I wanted to get. But right now only the good Lord up above knows where I put it. LOL

I just ordered a bunch of daylilies from the Busby's sale/co-op or whatever you call it. I'm going to have to find a full time job to pay for all the flowers I want to plant around here. I take care of an elderly (older than me lol) gentleman 4 hours a day but that doesn't provide enough money to pay for my flowers, watering, fertilizer, pots, and so forth.

I'll see if I can locate that list and get back with you Roni. If not, you may have to direct me back to the list so I can look the irises up and see which ones I wanted.

Thanks and happy Gardening everyone.

Raleigh, NC

my irises are all potted up Roni! they were beautiful. Can't wait to buy some more next year!

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

:D Thanks all.

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