Lilac Leaves Spotting

Memphis, TN

This old lilac has been around here for years. This summer, brown spots began to appear on the leaves. Any idea what this is?

Thumbnail by HelloMissMary
Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Hello Miss Mary, did you find out what is spotting your lilac? I have the same thing all over one of mine, DH thought it could have been from the abundance of rain and lack of sun (given where I have it planted)

Memphis, TN

Well, my spots got bigger and eventually covered the entire leaf. All the leaves, in fact, turned brown, shriveled and fell off by August. I gave it up for dead after all these years.

Then, one day in September, I noticed little stubs appearing on each limb. Day after day, I watched in amazement as new green leaves and flowers popped out all over it. My lilac is in bloom now.

I talked to a gardener at a local nursery, who said it isn't unusual to get some fall blooms around here. I have never seen it on my shrub and it's just a relief to know that the spotting on the leaves was probably "weather related" as he put it. He advised me to lime the soil at least once every other year to help it.

Thumbnail by HelloMissMary
Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)


It was probably leaf spot. I got it on some of my lilacs and a viburnum carlesi that has never gotten it before. It has to do with the very wet summer we had. I think that your gardener acquaintance gave you great advice.


Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

mine started sprouting weird little flower clumps too. never did before. yours looks very nice!

Memphis, TN

Thank you, although I really can't take any credit for having done anything right - ;-) - ! I'm just thankful I didn't chop it down or do anything else drastic to it, thinking I had nothing to lose!

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