September in the Garden

Christchurch, New Zealand

first day of Autumn in the Northern hemisphere, first day of spring Down under.
Magnolia Stellata beside a pink camellia at my front gate

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

still very small is meant to get to 60cm by 60cm.
Might be half that.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

Grape hyacinth, somewhat under rated flower.
blooming en masse they make a stunning display.
Up close they are so dainty

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

not a showy flower but the bright red berries that follow look great contrasted against the foliage

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Dalfrye - looks like there are two September in the garden threads!
Is that the edible blueberry blueberry? I am hoping to grow a couple of shrubs next year too. I love them.

Christchurch, New Zealand

yes the Blueberry is an edible dwarf variety, meant to get to 60cm by 60cm but only half that.
Very slow growing.
I'd like a bigger one too, now that I know they can survive in my garden ^_^

Christchurch, New Zealand

Peony on it's way.
this is a really nice red one I got from Mum.
No scent which is a shame but I have a white one that is highly scented.
I'd like more peonies but they are so expensive!
We are looking at a few late frosts so hope my spring flowers survive.
Have to go put my baby tomato back under cover.
I have nursed it along all winter, took several lateral cuttings in autumn but only one made it - but it is forked so I can probably get two plants out of it.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, here is SW's link.. for those of us who are bouncing! He is in the fall of his gardening.

Dalfyre, that hyacinth pic is stunning! they are all wonderfull! I wish we could skip winter and head right into spring from fall.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Dalfyre, I am just starting to plant spring bulbs! Need to get the shovel, stringline and marker posts to line out my border. I am alternating spring bulb groups with daylilies.

This message was edited Sep 2, 2009 1:35 PM

Christchurch, New Zealand

that sounds nice, I have seen the pics of day lilies & am tempted...
I wonder how they would go along the front border, I could always make the lawn area smaller...
I put some giant scilla in where I have trimmed the shrubbery back. Look forward to seeing if they like it there as much as they have in the rose garden.
I also shifted my Satin Flower to this garden, hope it survives as it is quite a pretty flower.
Think day lilies would like it here?
The far corner is where I have my hellebores & white violets.
am slowly putting in more woodland type plants, would love trilliums but it gets dryish over summer, the silver birch just hoovers up water!
I have Solomon's Seal that fills part of the area over summer & a few months ago added Japanese anemones , pink & white, hopefully both types come up.
I also put in lily of the valley, no idea if that survived winter.
I keep looking at the spot where I planted it but no sign yet, mind you it does tend to sulk when shifted.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Daylilies like it pretty much anywhere as long as they can get at least 8 hours of sun minimum. They prefer sun mostly though and a good well drained soil, pretty much like most bulbs. Thats why I am alternating them in a border. By the time the bulbs are done the daylilies are grassy and hiding the diebacks on the spring bulbs.

I usually put the spring bulbs in one gallon nursey cans a few bulbs in each and sink them in the ground, then when it comes time to lift and divide, the can be found easier and the derned moles dont disrupt them.

I have been wanting a magnolia.. those big dinner plate flowered pink ones! Dont know the variety, but they are gorgeous! Got peonies! They are on the wain here.

Christchurch, New Zealand

hmmm - possibly magnolia grandiflora?
I don't think day lilies would like that spot then, perhaps in with the roses where it gets all day sun.
But there is not much room in there for them. Oh well perhaps in my next garden...

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

We just recently mowed our beds and I need to get after the grass but the roughs are my daylilys!

Ignor that mess in the hoophouse....thats a project under aaaaa-hem construction....gets a tad overgrown this time of year!

The really tall bed dead away is needing mowing yet. its such a disaster this time of year!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

yeah, that probably is the magnolia. All I know it its huge and lovely!

Christchurch, New Zealand

my babies are opening out, first time growing anemones

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

poppies again

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Dalfyre - my white anenomes are one of my earliest blooms in late winter too. I don't have any blues like yours - that is a lovely color; so is your poppies.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh that blue is lovely! And the poppies too!

I need to get out to the woods and take some more shots. Got run out by a snake the other day... so as soon as my teeth quit quivering... I will get on back out there.

I think it is sooo neat you are having what we have in the spring bloom now! Kinda hard to adjust my blonde thinking that its fall with all those lovelys! Silly question.. you do call this time of year fall? Or no?

Christchurch, New Zealand

we seldom use the term fall - just call it autumn and of course that is when you would be starting spring.
Topsy turvey land here:)

September/Oct/Nov is spring
December/Jan/Feb is summer
March/April/May is autumn
June/July/August winter

I was a June bride & the sun did shine...
but it was bitterly cold even with a 'fur' cape
It was made from plastic bunnies ;)

One of my new babies, Skimmia japonica

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!! Ditto.. June is a wonderful month. Ours was a sunny summer day and weather was lovely!

Now that is a different japonica than I am used to! I will have to dig in my files for mine....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, wrong pic, well, yeah, its a japonica, but that one is just emerging from the dirt in spring...

Christchurch, New Zealand

the little blue flowers beneath it look like something I have in my garden...

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Im not sure what that lil blue is, but I think it might be creeping charlie. Its every where. Kinda pretty, but invasive. More like a weed here.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

dalfyre you have a lovely spot there in the trees, looking very lush your way this time of year.
BB, looks like we will be counting on dalfyre to get us through our winter here!
I love the magnolias but around here they just don't bloom long enough to make them worthwhile as a garden accent.

Christchurch, New Zealand

lush is an understatement when it comes to my grass...
I have hurt my back & cannot push the mower.'And it has been a bit too wet as well so the grass is way too long.
I am lucky to have good neighbours who mow our grass verge.
You see some places where one person will cut the grass as far as their boundary & leave the rest because it is not their grass.
sometimes it is the tiniest strip, looks ridiculous.
So I am really lucky that on both sides I have folks that will push the mower that little bit further so the whole lot looks even.
I do the same when I mow - when the house next door was empty I was the only one mowing that side.
I also helped them out by spraying round up over the fence...
there were some nasty noxious weeds coming up & one ivy was trying to head over the fence to my place.
I managed to get that under control...
my hubby thought I was nuts taking care of someone else's garden but hey it needed me :)

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Not crazy at all , gotta do what you gotta do to keep things tidy even if it includes the neighbors.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

You guys are lucky you dont have neighbors from H. We got some that crab at everything. Its ok for one, but if the other does it look out and so forth and then we got the great neighbors too. Some just seem hell bent on destroying others. Gotta be the booze. A lot of them careless and dont appreciate anything.

I gotta guy down the road his large and small animals run at large digging up and ruining things, another drives all over where he shouldnt and then a few who keep themselves gorgeous. Its a poor area so we just do what we can and if we can help someone great. If not.. not much we can do. Then theres the hunters that abuse priveleges poaching and tromping and just making life miserable for all.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dang that all sounds nasty BB. I hate to hear of folks so out of control and having no respect for others' property and such. It is terrible that the laws do so little to protect respectable homeowners from the ravages of out of control folks.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I think it is the lack of respect that makes them do nasty to others. Its quite sad actually. They think that as long as they can push someone around that is power. Personally, I think greater power comes from a more gentler soul.

Well, I am going to have to scout the garden for any new bloomers.

The only thing I got new here was a couple of freebies from a floral shop that I visited today. I saw a striking spider plant that was the richest looking green and the babies were striped. And a lighter maroon sweet potato to which she gave me cuttings of both! She had a beautiful diclorus to which she said I coud have some beans off of, but the beans were not ripe yet so I will have to go back. I will have to bring her something. That was so nice of her!

Right now I am headed to the GPS to pot the lil spiders and need to put the sweet potatoes in water.

Christchurch, New Zealand

I have done some plant swapping with my boss - she gave me hellebores & I gave her pink violets.
I am eying some white violets to surprise her with, they are slow growing but I managed to get two new clumps started right beside each other...
so I can spare one ^_^
Must ask her if the Solomon's Seal bits I gave her took.
The gardens at work have a few donations from me...
penstemon, nemesia, roses, grape hyacinth, tazetta narcissus, mini agapanthus.
I have a lot of perennials that need dividing & often nowhere to put them, so swapping with friends & family is better than dumping good plants.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Swapping is good!

That blue is lovely

Christchurch, New Zealand

more camellias coming out...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

just opened...
the colour fades a bit once it is open a while

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Dalfyre - I get a lot of my plants from swapping too. Too bad you live so far away - would love to swap with you too LoL.
In my garden ... my one and only white Amaryllis belladonna - it was pure white last year, showing some tinges of pink this year.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

white butterfly ginger - a prolific spreader. I have had to end up throwing a bunch of these away since they spread so fast.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

one of my border dahlias

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

My first dinnerplate dahia (Kevin floodlight) still going strong - this has had blooms for about 4 weeks now

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Very pretty guys!!!!

I posted my fall blooms or should I say non blooms on SW's September in the garden...the bloomers around my neck of the woods are definietly waining, but the color of fall is beginning to abound!

This message was edited Sep 14, 2009 6:29 AM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You guys are still really bloomin. I still have quite a bit in bloom myself, zinnias, sedums, phlox and clematis just to name a few. Guess I better get some pics taken.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

My sedums are bloom. I wished I had zinnias.. those are always so pretty!

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