CLOSED: Texas Star Hibiscus (red bloom) - H. coccineus

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

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(these seeds will most likely be re-offered at the end of October)
~ £

Seeds offered for SASE or trade:

Texas Star Hibiscus -aka- Swamp Hibiscus, Scarlet Rose Mallow, Scarlet Hibiscus

Hibiscus coccineus - - Synonym:  Hibiscus semilobatus

DG info for this plant: . . . lots of pretty pictures there, too.

What I need from you:

A self-addressed business-size envelope (SAE) or a self-addressed bubble envelope (SABE) enclosed with 61¢ in LOOSE U.S. postage stamps.  Please note on the lower left corner of the outer envelope:  "TX Star".

My postal addy == >

If you can't see the DG address exchange, send a DMail for my postal info,
using this link == >   and request my postal mailing address.

These seeds are super easy to germinate using the "baggie" method.  They can also be very successfully started when sown ¼ in. deep in moist potting soil that has been mixed with a dash of ground cinnamon (a natural anti-fungal agent) to help prevent "damp off".  I experience germination in soil within 3-5 days during times when the temperature is at least 75ºF.

A T B T Y !       ~       £az£o     ;--)
################     CLOSED     ################
(these seeds will most likely be re-offered at the end of October)
~ £

This message was edited Sep 14, 2009 10:43 AM

Thumbnail by LazLo
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Another Hibiscus? Oh yeah - count me in! You have wonderful seeds! I have babies from the Sweet Edible Hibiscus I got from you.

Will send my envelope out tomorrow!

Edited to say my envie is in the mail . . .

This message was edited Sep 1, 2009 1:21 PM

Wilburn, AR

I just posted on your sweet hibiscus thread can I get some of these too?-grannyjanie

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

y'know, grannyjanie, you sure can. no added postage needed either - - just make marks for both types on the outside of your envelope.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I sent an envelope for the white hibiscus and the mystery mix If you have a few of the red hibiscus seeds to spare.. drop a few in my envelope and send it with the others....Im sure i can find a very nice spot for it to grow.... Glad to see you are back and doing ok... Ha, even if you hadnt went anywhere you had quiet an adventure in every ones mind...At least some one missed ya huh.... Thanks Trish...

Wilburn, AR

Thanks so much LazLo,you're a sweetie.-granny

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I hope you still have some of the TX Star. Am sending envie out tomorrow.

Winamac, IN

hey LazLo, can I get some? Do I send 2 SASBE, or can I just send one with double the postage? Put both hibiscus types on the outside corner?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

please refer to my note to grannyjanie from yesterday.

Winamac, IN


Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Don, would love some of your seeds if you have any left, I am in Tennessee zone 7a and have had great success with hibiscus here but dont have the red.. Let me know for sure you have them and I will send SASE tomorrow

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

May I have some seed too? I will send you the SSAE.
Thanks Charleen

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

################     CLOSED     ################
(these seeds will most likely be re-offered at the end of October)
~ £

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Got them Don,
Thanks so much.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Got my seeds today as well as the something extra!

As always - you're great!! Thanks!

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