not a good weekend

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

my weekend started off with my hubby out of town. got three days with him. wonderful days.

came home to porch plants missing and ones i had in carport moved around and not where i left them. i have a locked gate on my property and bobwire on fence but still stuff gone.

my BAUHINIa i have babied for 2 years now nowhere to be found. i had a morning glory in a hanging basket gone. part of my spider plant is gone. and my calla pot was strewed everywhere.

my japanese maple moved to heavy to carry. my baby hydrageas on the other side of carport.

three of my baby mgs done in. put in full sun and no water.

and through all this my main one im really upset over if my BAUHINIA is what hurts most. i love this plant and never even got to see it bloom. got it as a seed and been growing it .

hubby says we will have to secure property better like more motion lights and stuff and cameras if need too.

i didnt even get to see some of the mgs bloom. i suspect kids but who knows. just glad my animals werent let out and are all safe.

just hurt and sad at meanness of people.

(Zone 7a)

Hi Imzadi,

Oh phooey - I hate that this happened to you. I sent you dmail, and Pajonica is in the same boat as you, except that his nemesis was a typhoon instead of vandals. His situation starts with this post - .

As I said over on Jon's post, be thinking of any seeds we could send you...not sure who's got could be mgs or anything...let us know.


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Marie, Very upsetting.
I hope to harvest lab lab beans later on, the lovely Ruby Moon.
Can send you some of those when they ripen.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i still have to go through carport and see . had all babies out there and hope tags are still there.

didnt sleep well last night. every noise kept me up. will post more after nap. gotta get kid to school.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh Marie, I am so sorry for your loss and invasion, I know you must be so upset.. let us know how we can help you..

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

That sounds like some very naughty puppies got into your garden. My dog Buster used to pull plants out of their pots and drag them off never be seen again. He actually pulled a entire plant and plastic pot into his dog pen right Through the fence and demolished it! The plastic was in tiny 1/2 inch pieces and the plant was not to be found. It might have been some half grown puppies that got in your yard through a small opening and dragged some things away.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

well i dont think puppies could of moved the maple tree in the pot. i know i cant. but it was moved somehow just not taken. hope they pulled their back on it. takes my hubby and brother to move it into the carport.

things on the table in the carport are now unlabled and dont know what is what. oh well maybe once they bloom in the greenhouse i will see.

i cant seem to locate my milkweed plants and my baby hibsicus i was growing. so far. besides the spider plant hanging basket and the hanging mg basket. and my bauhinia vine.

no puppies could of gotten in. we had that problem when we first got here. put up rabbit wire at base of fence. no more puppies.

know it had to be people because of the maple tree. just sad over the nature of it.

the mg seeds i cant even say what was lost. got a lot of tags and dont know whos is whos. only thing i can id for sure is the ipomoea machrohizia. very distinct leaves. and only found 2 of the three.

my neighbors were away this weekend too. and i had boared the dog because how long i was gonna be away. maybe next time will chain her outside.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

maybe next time will chain her outside

OH gosh please don't do that! ☺

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

No please don't do that Marie. Anything can happen to your doggie.
So much meanness around.

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

People might would take your dog.

Also if there are mean dogs running around tearing things up then your dog would be tied and couldn`t protect itself.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

no will continue to board her. she thinks she a cat anyway. been raised with cats so probably wouldnt be a good yard dog.

more like a pot bellied pig in truth hehe

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Marie, so sorry to hear of this. Gardening presents us with quite enough problems, without mean people into
the mix!


Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

I don't have any plants I can send, Marie, but I can send you what seeds I can, if you don't have any of the ones that were taken.


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Marie, I have a bahaunia tree, it needs a home anyway.. no room at the Inn in the Kansas winter basement nursery. It is about three to 4 ft tall single stem so far.. dmail me if you want it..

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i dmailed a few of you in private and thanks everyone for the words.

had bro come check the gates and fence. he found like towel material over back fence to cover barb wire( for the deer control)

they love to drink out the kids above ground pool.

just feel un secure at moment. im already down hubby gone so long this time and to come home to this is just not helping any.

thanks everyone

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

I do so understand your feelings of insecurity, it's the same after a burglary or any crime committed against us,
It will take time to restore your faith in people. Please know that if there is anyway I can help personally all you need to do is ask!



(Zone 7a)

Marie, I couldn't have said what Jon just said any better. I agree that recovering from being victimized and regaining faith in humans can be hard and take more time than expected. But hanging out with good folks can make a tremendous difference in how quickly you heal. I hope ya take us up on offers of seeds and support.

(((((((((( hugs )))))))))))


Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Marie, Did you call the police and have the area investigated?You should file a report. The police also could find clues and tell you more about what and how this happened.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i filed a report when i got home was too scared to even go in the house. there have been burglaries over the years but not to my end of the road till now. plants i know can be replaced and things taken care of. i also called them yesterday after bro found fabric on the fence. hubby is gonna try to come home labor day weekend if possible and we will go from there on this.

thinking on getting a yard dog. one that can run free in the back but be big enough to defend its self. might borrow my brothers two when i am gone. they hyper though but good watch dogs.

i find myself making sure several times the doors are locked and windows shut screen porch locked even though i have already locked them.

got a flashlight by the bed. amazing how fast life changes with something like this.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Marie - Maybe a security alarm is what you need to keep folks away from your house. They might have something for the perimeter of your yard, too. Just a thought...

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