ID needed

Panama, Panama

I have a plant from long time ago, and can't find the name; any help willl be appreciated.

Thumbnail by Omar_Cardozo

It might be a Mussaenda - can you post a close up picture of the blooms?

Keaau, HI

Yes, looks a lot like Mussaenda philippica. Need to see a close-up to be sure.

Panama, Panama

Thankyou. As you tought, is a mussaenda. My gardener do well pruning the plant, and it really keep flowering all year round. Thanks again.

Thumbnail by Omar_Cardozo
Keaau, HI

Definitely Mussaenda philippica.

noonamah, Australia

I've got that one but I'd forgotten its name. It doesn't grow as well for me as some of the other larger leafed ones. But it is crowded out a bit, especially overhead.

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