bringing in plants - what do you do

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have lots of tropicals in pots, want to bring them in, but would like to leave the bugs outside.
What do you do?
Does anyone use bayer all in one? If so how and on what? I have seen on the brug forum that they dilute it and use it.

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

I am planning on brining in several of mine also. Just the other day I sprinkled Bayer on mine and scratched it into the soil. Hoping this will work to get the bugs before I bring them in.

I'm hoping others will have ideas about this.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hi Debsroots, glad to see another missourian....

I put up post on alot of different threads and alot of the folks use Bayer liquid but very diluted. I did it on Sunday, fingers crossed. I put it on brugs (which have calla lilies planted in the bottom) and tropical hibiscus. I am waiting with baited breath and fingers crossed. I need to do it on the ee's, bird of paradise but have not gotten that far. Last year was a mess between the brugmansia and ee's they grew spider mites like crazy!

I was sooo glad it didn't get in the 40's either night.
What kind of greenhouse do you have?
What kind of plants?

Deb I am in Northwest MO between KC and St. Joseph....are you near?

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

I'm in Maryville

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I'm in Plattsburg, you are not terrible far from me.
I have been up to the peony farm by you, have you been down to the iris farm by me....LOL

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Great timing for all of us here in MO, I'm near St. Louis. In the past I've filled a big bucket and soaked the whole pot in it for a few minutes, it brings lots of critters out of hiding, but I'm going to get some of that bayer stuff this year, it has been a big buggy summer with all the rain.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hi Cathy, good to meet you. The rains are unreal for sure. Well the tropicals that I did the bayer thing on last night were still alive....LOL so that is a good thing. Still haven't done it to the ee's. The pot dunking sounds like a good way to do some of the small pots. Hate bringing in those rolly polly bugs and they just keep eating all winter long. I hear they eat roots then I hear they don't. Just don't need to bring any other critters in with me for sure.

Have either of you thought of coming to the ru? We would love to have you. Not terrible far for Deb, a little farther for you Cathy....LOL

What brand of greenhouse do you all have? I have a hybrid greenhouse storage room. Want a true greenhouse as soon as I can decide which one and save the money up.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the welcome Happ, I have an 8x8 Rion, love it! it is empty in the summer, too hot, but the rest of the year it is wonderful. I'd love to come to the RU but my health won't cooperate.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have read Rions are really nice, in fact it seems to be the one most people like the best. Is there anything you wish you had done differently? I am trying my very best to do this the best I can, cause this will be my only chance and I want to make as few mistakes as possible. Folks that have a greenhouse already have so much more knowledge than I could ever begin to figure out on my own.

Oh wish you could come to the ru, we are swapping plants and seeds. We are also ordering pizza so we can do nothing but visit and swap....LOL How bad is that....

This weather is something. I am worried about this winter. I compute a long ways to work and hope we don't have this much moisture or I will be buying a sled team.....

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I've added 2 additional vent windows since I purchased for a total of 3, and auto openers for them and the side window. I think it keeps the temperature more stable. We are caulking this fall, I've found a few places that aren't as tight as I would have expected, an easy fix. We had 80+ MPH winds that took down trees and it came through with flying colors. I had a window hinge break (my fault) and RION sent me a new one no questions asked with just a phone call. I have the double doors on one side, and I think the single door model probably closes tighter but I was looking for wheelchair access down the road, so we will be doing some adjusting on the doors before winter, probably a simple latch top and bottom.

I would love a bigger one but we just don't have the space and really, it is plenty big for my needs. I'd move a bed out there in the winter if I could, I just love being out in the sun even when it is cold. I was thrilled with the plants I started myself this year, and had plenty to give away, so the room was good. I used concrete blocks with wire closet shelving for my shelves, that worked pretty good. This winter I'm adding a solar water heater to bring hot water into some storage barrels to help with keeping it warm. I use a small electric heater last winter and it didn't run my electric bill up, it held heat well.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

More I hear about Rion the better I like it. My house was built with wheel chair access 15 years ago so I can live a very long time in it. Glad you mentioned about the greenhouse because honestly I wouldn't have thought of making it accessible, cause this will be probably be my one and only shot at it. Live on a hill and we have terrible winds and if yours stood up that is great. I had decided on the automatic roof vents because I am currently working and I could just see the plants frying! Side window makes alot of sense also. Love the blocks and wire idea, that sounds very strudy, adjustable, and affordable.

I think the hot water heater solar idea is a good thing. Water is a great heat storage device.
Thank you for telling me about the greenhouse, can't wait to get one.

Fulton, MO

I guess this is the Missouri thread.

I bring in the tropicals after Bayer Tree and Shrub (imidacloprid) diluted in the water, and if they are coming in the GH, I also hit them with one of several sprays, just to be safe.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Morning to you Missourian....LOL
Stressbaby, do we have zone envy or what....LOL
What dilution rate do you use with Bayer Tree and Shrub? What sprays do you use?
I am just full of questions. I have done the brugs and the tropical hibiscus.
I have ee's, giant bird of paradise left to do. Has anyone done those?
One more question if everyone doesn't mind. I have caladiums planted all around my bird of paradise, does anyone know if bayer rose or tree stuff will hurt the caladiums?

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

happgarden - Last year gardn6 posted a thread on this very subject, with a great step-by-step plan. Here's the link: Hope this helps you!! I plan on trying this this year! Samantha

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

graceful_garden, thank you so much for link to the article. I think I will do that this winter. I don't usually use chemicals and then when I do I use them very sparingly, but last year the spider mites won the war and the battle. Almost got to the point I couldn't go in the garden room and thought if spring doesn't break these things may get tossed in the snow. I think if getting a handle on them going in I will be able to control them with soap and water. I have had small battles all summer with them. It would be wonderful to go to Japan and see the gardens.....

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