CLOSED: HAVE: Seeds - Don't Miss this BOAT!!!

(Zone 7a)

I have been out of the Loop but here we Go! I've decided to stop keeping seeds..
These are not previously traded seeds but of my own plants. With the exception a few were not really my plants! Since I have that seed picking addiction...I guess it's on again!

One person will get all 21 packs of seeds.

Post here what you are willing to trade for All 21 packs (in seed form). It can be any number of seeds. The amount is not my concern.
If a person Offers 1 pack of something I want,
then that person will still get all 21 packs of seeds.

I might choose a 1 pack of Dandelions for All 21 packs!!

But seriously,
I will close this thread in a week or so and Post the Winner.
You can do whatever you like to after you receive them.
Trade them..sow them...whatever.

To receive Seeds:
The winner will send me a bubble envelope with 4 Stamps and the seeds I accepted for this offer. And I will return the 20 packs of seeds back to you in that envelope. Good Luck! Have fun!

Try not to chit chat too much. Because I'm slower nowadays and might overlook offers. I will be keeping an eye out but miss a bid rumbling
through the talk. Anybody is Welcome to chat about these seeds and open a new thread for it. Thanks everybody..have patience with me. Missed Yall!

1. Ornamental Corn ‘Quadricolor’

2. Black-Eyed Susan Vine ‘Alba’

3. Eryngium planum 'Blue Glitter'

4. Japanese Maple ‘Red Filigree Lace’

5. Russell Lupine ‘Pink’

6. Iochroma ‘Purple Queen’ (not called Royal Queen)

7. Devil’s Trumpet ‘Lilac Le Fleur’

8. Foxglove ‘Pam’s Choice’

9. Malope ‘Vulcan’

10.Twinspur ‘Pink Queen’ (Diascia barberae)

11. Sunflower - Very ornamental (deep yellow with brown center)

12. Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos- cuculi)

13. Hosta (This One) seeds drying now - really nice one

14. Impatiens Balfourii

15. Plumbago auriculata 'Escapade Blue'

16. Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja coccinea)

17. Penstemons - Pink and Blue (have no names or Id's) very pretty plants

18. Oenothera pallida 'Innocence'

19. Amaranthus Tricolor 'Illumination'

20. Amaranthus Tricolor 'Perfecta'

21. Siberian Yarrow 'Love Parade'

22. Clematis recta Purpurea

23. Allium carinatum subsp. pulchellum

24. Desmodium elegans

Added a few more. Gonna close on Monday (9/7/2009)

This message was edited Sep 2, 2009 2:46 PM

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

oh can i have them

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

oh i forgot to read ( LOL )
I have 30 seeds of Candy stripe hardy hisbiscus

Thumbnail by cjcjmass
(Zone 7a)

I have to Edit #16 and replacing the seeds with another plant. I don't like the way the seeds dried and this indicates to me that they are not ready. Lisianthus seeds are already dust-like and even the dust will be loose if the seeds are ready. So for now I will take them off. I have more pods and will see how the other seeds produce. But I am honest and do not want anybody who saw them to think I was changing up on you. Also adding another pack which makes 21 seed packs.

This message was edited Aug 29, 2009 3:59 PM

Spooner, WI

OH WOW! Beautiful plants, and thanks for posting the links. That makes it so nice.

How 'bout...
25+ Summer Sky Echinacea (just harvested)
25+ Pink & Purple NOID Columbine
50+ Pink Flander's Poppy
2 Red Spider Lily Bulbs
7 Candy Lily seeds

That's about all I can come up with, since I'm just getting started...
[*crosses fingers... and toes... and eyes...*]

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lets see what I may have to tempt you with! How about:

Savia subrotunda

Salvia coccinea 'Coral Nymph'

Salvia coccinea- red hummingbird sage

Datura wrightii

Sunflower- Italian White

Yellow Scabiosa

Silene dioica

Aquilegia -deep plum, may be 'Black Barlowe'

Aquilegia- deep blue

Cynoglossum amabile

I'm sure there are others I'm not recalling right now, but that's a few I've got drying now.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's my bid

5 vigna caracalla (corkscrew vine)
10 yellow dwarf poinciana
25 purple beauty berry
25 white beauty berry
20 passiflora edulis solid white mutation
10 Ipomoea 'blue silk'
5 Ipomoea Henka Asagao Blue
10 Jacquemontia Tamnifolia
8 seeds pomoea Lobata (spanish flag vine)
2 seeds rangoon creeper (ripening on vine)

(Zone 7a)

ooopsss I was chatting I'm taking this off. So I don't start nothing up. Suppose to be looking at offers...ha ha!

This message was edited Aug 29, 2009 10:45 AM

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Heres my bid

5 calendula officanalis seeds
50 purple petunias seeds
10 orange butterfly seeds
15 charleston grey watermelon seeds
2 canna seeds red or orange not sure which
bag of mixed seeds catmint, hysop, blanket flowers,
15 hollyhock seeds pink single(alcea rosea 0
cleomes(pink purple white mix
5 white texas star hibiscus seeds
25 purple coneflower seeds
50 wave petunia silver and lavender
25 wave petunia pink
perennial mix seed pack
50 purple liatrus seeds
25 red lace vine seeds
6 datura stramonium lavender
25 portulaca seeds
10 salvia sangria
5 stella de'ore daylilly seeds
50 petunia mixed purples and pinks
aster seeds mixed colors
50 ornamental gourd seeds
25 wave petunia lavender
5 purple datura seeds
25 gloriosa daisy seeds(rudbeckia hirta)
3 horsemint (monardo punctata )dead heads
3 Osewego Tea.Red(Monarda didyma)dead heads
5 clitoria ternatea vine seeds
5 Hardy hibiscus (Dixie Bell)
5 Columbine aguilergia (McKana Giant)
3 Tiger Lily Lilium lancofolium var. splendens bulbets
5 amarlyllis bulbs (red )
1 Amaryllis bulb(apple blossom)
10 Asiatic Lily seeds (red and possibly yellow)
5 white ghost pumpkin seeds
3 TB Iris Indian Beauty
Rose Of Sharon (lavender) rooted and growing
Rosy return daylily fan
Stella De'Ore daylily fan
Frans Hans daylily fan
Kwanza daylily fan
Yellow daylily fan (NOID)
Yucca flaccida baby..
Showy Stonecrop Sedum root
Green Jew
Purple Jew
Var Jew( purple/green)
Var Jew (green/ white)
Airplane plants
Varigated Airplane plants(green/white)
Christmas cactus rooted
Hens and Chicks rooted
Lantana rooted
Mystery Hibiscus rooted( think its double flowered maroon)
8 Multiple Iris tubers( purple white yellow pinks)
10 Multiple Canna rhizones
10 Four Oclock seeds (pink and yellow)
Popcorn tree(knee high)
Mystery tree (large heart shaped leaves with purple blooms in spring)nice but cant remember the name..(knee high)
hyssop seeds (purple flowers)

thanks Trish

Pick your wants...

This message was edited Aug 29, 2009 10:33 AM

This message was edited Aug 29, 2009 10:55 AM

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

Wow Trish you have a wonderfu selection of seeds.


(Zone 7a)

I had to Edit #16 and replace the seeds with another plant. I don't like the way the seeds dried and this indicates to me that they are not ready. Lisianthus seeds are already dust-like and even the dust will be loose if the seeds are ready. So for now I will take them off. I have more pods and will see how the other seeds produce. But I am honest and do not want anybody who saw them to think I was changing up on you. Also adding another pack which makes 21 seed packs.

In the event when I ship your envelope and the seed pods are mature. I will definitely put those in too.

Spooner, WI

Trish, you're making me cry! There's no way I can beat that bid. But you can always send your extra seeds to me, if you need to get rid of them! lol

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow trish, you must want something on Kim's list pretty bad to be willing to give up all those.!

(Zone 7a)

Ok yall are cracking me up! Most likely I will just be picking 1 or 2 seed types.. It will only take that 1 plant I really want to trade all 21.

Spooner, WI

What if I add a box of Godiva Chocolate to my bid? ;) Does that count?

(Zone 7a)


Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Ok, now we're really getting serious. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Let me think on it.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I made the list thinking I might have something particular she is looking for just letting her know what is available...Kim If you want a particular thing from my list I may have more seeds than I put on the list... Thanks for looking... Trish

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

My bid is :

24 seeds of Dierama Pulchererrimum 'Fiary Wand'
30 seeds of Rhodochiton atrosanguineum

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

This thread is closed... Was there a winner picked?

(Zone 7a)

Unfortunately the winner was not picked because I didn't see that special seed I was looking for.

In return I am offering the seeds ONLY to the people who Posted for SASBE. So take your pick..LOL. If there is something you want off the list I will be happy to send it to you.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Kim, just wait till the Piggy Swap gets under way, lots of unusual as well as common stuff will be offered. I'll have tons more to select from soon too, still harvesting and drying lots of seeds, and I'm sure I'll be hitting you up for some goodies once your list is up too :-)

(Zone 7a)

Neal..too funny! I can't wait. I'm cleaning, bagging, dechaffing, and trying to keep up with the chit chit. With 2 little babies running around here! I saw seeds in my sleep last night. Neal I really really want some of that Good ol' wild growing Geranium (love it) Keep an eye out for me. Usually growing in the woods. That's where I found a piece before. Now it's no where...sigh. I'll take seeds or plants!

Spooner, WI


I'd like your Russell Lupine ‘Pink’, Foxglove ‘Pam’s Choice’, Sunflower, Ragged Robin, Indian Paintbrush, Oenothera pallida 'Innocence', Siberian Yarrow 'Love Parade', Clematis recta Purpurea, Allium carinatum subsp. pulchellum.

Is your address available in the directory here? I can send the SASBE on Friday.

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