Garden Shots 3-Let's see your late summer combos!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

We came from here:

A dragon is lurking in this part of the yard...

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Ok...I think I'm on the right

IS THAT YOUR GARDEN DRAGON?! Love it! Would like to find that in a giant rattle snake.'s an Idaho thing...what can I say..

Huggergirl - (from the other thread)

Scrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeech! *backing the shower bus up*

Ok...I'm supposed to be getting ready for work, but you WENT and posted Zinna WHEWWWWWW...soooo pretty! Even when I buy them started they die! It drives me nuts! I do suspect a dampness problem. Ocean living is not without it's extreme dampness. In the same yard...some roses never get powdery mildew...and the SAME ROSE.. 15' feet away would struggle with it annually.

Rotffffffffffffffffffff re: bouncing on your can!! OMG...BEEN THERE DONE THAT! My last swan dive was when I was about 50 also...and if I e-v-e-r told my middle of the night "can bouncing" story no one would believe me!!! Your other disaster sounds like that was a set up for a MAJOR wreck. Glad you didn't get hurt any worse.'re off to A PHENOMENAL September! Maybe you should start a vacation thread and take us with you! Do you have a lap top? One of my friend in MO always takes me on vacation with her. She posts photos and links to the tourist attractions she's hit. It's fun and I love it!

Alllll insurance companies have what I now call "weasel clauses". If they CAN get out of paying for something...they WILL. Foremost insurance (my X-insurance co) is known to be neck and neck with another insurance company for the title of being the #1 WORST company FOR TRYING to get out of paying a legit claim ANY WAY THEY CAN. That's not anger speaking...that's what the attorney told me when he took my case. To replace what I had lost in my home (structure) I had hit the top of my insurance policy coverage for the house (basically I had a "cap" on my payout). Had that not happened they would have kicked in $$ to pay for some or all of the greenhouse. So... my policy had been maxed out just to get the house replaced. But...had those simple green house wind braces NOT been connected to the main house it would have fallen into the "out buildings" portion of my ins policy and it would have been covered. There was plenty $$$ left on the outbuilding portion of the ins policy. I had a great attorney and there was no getting around those FOUR braces. Ugh...

Another VERY WEAK area of my ins policy (I mean...really...who actually READS the fine print of their fire section?) - I never THOUGHT I'd lose my home to a fire. I had $2,500 coverage on debris removal and that actually cost closer to $19k when it was all said and done. Technically... only HALF the house burned they had to do some demolition on the remaining structure. THAT HURT financially!!! Anyhow... my blood pressure's going up...LOL Time to go back to happy thoughts about your gorgeous Zinna

Have a GREAT TIME!!!!!!!

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Nice dragon,ok ok Iam leaving for work now,good thing I cant fire myself for being late !!!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

It's raining cats and dogs here. Had to get out my rain boots!

Canna Cleopatra - i love how half could be solid red and the other half of a petal is yellow with red specks.

Thumbnail by LiliMerci
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Lili,Love it,I wish i had a spot to store cannas in the winter,that bloom looks like my rose.

Thumbnail by huggergirl
North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

what kind of rose is that? so pretty, it would "match" with my cleopatra canna and then I would plant some orange tiger lily close by them.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Lili,I have no idea it was a bag rose 3$, its not a cutting rose ,blooms dont have alot of petals,I will look at it later to see if there is a tag,whats cool about it is ,the areas of red is from the sun while the bud is growing and the red areas were yellow as the bud cover was splitting open leaving the small areas exposed to the sun awhile before the bud opened .Does that make sense ? ive been watching it soo cool.This is the 3rd flush of blooms,Ill bet I get another flush in oct if the weather holds.I was testing this rose ,just to see if and how it preformed,being a cheap one.My SIL always buys JP roses,waayyy to expensive,for what she does to them :( She loses 8 or so every year and replaces them and thinks thats the norm,geezz.I hate to see her roses they look horrible,she thinks they are great,no lush green, puny blooms, makes me sad,she use to use that city sludge on them ,I think that has a lot to do with why they dont do well ,lots of heavy metals in that crud now in her rose bed.

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Memphis, TN

Thanks. And I appreciate the comments on the garden. The birdbath -- the stand was at a thrift store with no basin. It appears to be quite old and weighs a ton. I paid $2 for it and $2 for the upside-down lamp cover I'm using as a basin. The hole in it perfectly fits the notch on the top of the pedestal, but it will not hold water, which is good down here in Mosquitoland.

I've really enjoyed looking at the beautiful pictures you all have been sharing. I've had a big family shake-up this year (which catapulted me into dirt therapy in the first place!), so seeing Nature's beauty popping up all around me has been encouraging and joyful. A novice I am, admittedly, but seeing your photos has me wanting to keep going with it.

Have a great day, all -- I can't wait to see what Autumn beauty you have to share!

Thumbnail by HelloMissMary
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

Hello Miss Mary,

"Dirt Therapy" is a very GOOD THING! You can create beauty, and get your frustrations out while RIPPING out Sorry you had family "stuff" to stress ya out.

What is that light pink blooming airy type plant right in the center of the photo if I may ask? I have that blooming in white, and I can NOT remember the name of it. Someone gave me a start of it a few years ago and it finally took off this year. I'd go snap a picture but it's raining. We sure needed it!

I'm kind of in and out of Dave's Garden as time permits, but it IS really wonderful to grab a cup of coffee or tea....and just surf the wonderful pictures! There are some amazing gardeners in here! I always find nifty tips from the posts and I've been flower gardening for 37 years.

This message was edited Aug 29, 2009 7:37 AM

Memphis, TN

The name of the flower is Pink Fountain Gaura -- at the moment, I don't remember its botanical name. I planted 3 of those and they all but died, when that one came back in a blaze of glory. Had I realized its growth habit, I'd have put it behind some lower growing ones. Here's a close-up.

Thumbnail by HelloMissMary
Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

That's it! Thank you thank you!! As soon as I read it... my little dusty memory *light* came on. It just hung on by it's toenails for two years. I would have eventually mistook it for a weed, but I had put a ring of rocks around it as a reminder. Early this spring I stepped on it BIG TIME while dragging a hose (arugh @ me!). But...this is the year it finally did something. Had I known that's what it wanted I would have stepped on it lots

Thanks for IDing the plant for me! It's very pretty in pink! I'll post a photo later IF it quits raining. There should be a law that ALL weekends are to be sunny....

Cliff Dweller, WA(Zone 8b)

PS- MissMary...
I love Lantana but never had much luck growing it in Idaho. However, seeing your photo of it reminds me why I love it so much.

I may have to give it another whirl now that I live in WA state.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

This was my new garden this year.

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Another new one. I don't think I've posted these..

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I just realized I need to get some updated photos MY zinnias and cosmos and verbena bonariensis look fabulous now. No pics though..
Here's some Hardy Mistflower and Pincushion Flowers

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

This is another newish garden that I think I acheiced a cottage garden look.. no?

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

In there this combo of Alpine straberries, Dianthus, Balloon Flowers..

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Bellflowers from Lebug via the piggy swap. : )

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I am proud of this container I put together... the petunias and lantana I grew from seed.

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Memphis, TN


Love the big rocks. What's the plant with the red blooms on the right in that pic? Looks like Sun Parasols.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

It'sa Gerber Daisy, my mom works at Lowes and she gave me a potted plant with three colors in it that she got on clearance because it had a broken pot. There is another red and a yellow in there too. They were kinda stingy with their blooms though.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I found a picture of my other container that I did.

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Memphis, TN

I'm sorry, Meredith, I should have specified which picture I was talking about -- it's the one you posted at 5:47. It's a little difficult to distinguish, but the red flower in that photo looks like my Sun Parasol. I was wondering if they'd grow as far north as you are.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

The last fading bloom on glowing embers.

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

We have had 6-7 inches of rain in the last 10-12 days ,everything is really green,nice usually its dry time color yet ,mums budding up

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Thanks Miss Mary .. yup that is a SunParasol Mandevilla. It isn't perennial here though. I am going to try to overwinter it indoors. : )

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

meredith79,Thats what is on the concrete retaining wall,in the last pic I posted . I just got a red one not blooming yet has buds,pink is doing well,it will be interesting to see if I can get them through the winter.Next yr I will put them in a sunnier spot and probly in the same pot.They have been abused,looking much better now

Memphis, TN

Mine have been blooming prolifically all summer and one is now climbing up a rosebush. I wish our winters were milder here but I thought I'd enjoy them for the warm months and them bury them in mulch when it gets cooler -- can't hurt, I guess. I have no place to winter them inside.

Thumbnail by HelloMissMary
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

missmary,pretty,I really like red one looks like it will be blooming soon

Memphis, TN

My first try at a rock garden. Hmmmmm ..... now where'd all those rocks go?

Thumbnail by HelloMissMary
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

huggergirl - I see it down the bottom right. Where did you get yours? I ordered mine early in spring .. then I saw them at HD but they were double what I paid for mine. Mine was pettiful when I got it but I gave it a bigger pot, dynamite fertilizer and then about a month later I tried some bloom booster. It seemed to do wonderful. I have to go out and get a pic for yas. It rained all day yesterday so the blossoms might be a bit beaten now. I had a pinkone last year.. it was awesome, I tried to overwinter it but I had it buried in the ground and didn't get it dug up before we had our first hard freeze. So my efforts of digging it potting it up and keeping it indoors all winter were usless. I need to be sure to get this new one in much sooner this year. I tried doing some reading up on them and I've read 52 degrees is their limit for cold. So with our cool temps that have blown in for the week it may be coming in at night very soon. : )

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

hugger, there is a nursery here that sells JP roses, but I only buy them if they are on clearance. I agree with you - too expensive. They have alot of English Roses and they are small flowers. I have a Pat Austin. I am pretty sure I bought that one from JP a very long time ago - before I learned all I need to know here. :)

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

mereidith,I got my mandavilles at wally world,i paid 6$ pink it was small,red 2$ and it is much larger,but on clearance

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

LilIi,I didnt find a tag on the rose, i cant beleive I didnt tag it.I am glad I spent the $3 on it,and to prove a point to myself,they dont need to be expensive to be pretty ! They are really blushing

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

This pic is sidways ,look at the way this thing took off,look below you can see the shorter part of the rose bush,then the very tall new cane.

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

meridith,id better put mine inside 49 this morning,I hope they dont mind the chill,I also read they dont like it below 50 ,dont know much about them yet,and who would think we are having 50 degree temps .

Thumbnail by huggergirl
North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

hugger, that is such a pretty color. I can smell it just by looking at it. :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Huggergirl that rose is absolutely beautiful!It's exactly the color I would like to have in my garden. If you ever figure out which one it is please, do tell. :) That was a great price for your Mandevilla! It was down to 46 degrees this morning whenI left for work. Pretty chilly for this early. The Mandevilla seems fine, I think it's more for long stretches of those temps. that it can't take. This is just my opinion though, and only because I had one outside up until a hard frost and it wasn't fazed by the temps. until then. It was in a pretty sheltered spot and buried in the ground, so I wouldn't chance it this time where my new ones out in the open in a pot. I'm going to bring it in if it's forcasted for lower than 45 I think.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

meredith79,NOID on the rose,my bad !! I was thinking the same thing about the mandavilla,we too are having below norm temps at nite.this my first time with mandavillas, ought to be interesting .

Bay Village, OH

Sweet pea and Gaura

Thumbnail by QuoiMerrie

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