Callicarpa americana - American Beautyberry

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Have both the purple and white varieties. Berries just picked and will be shipped whole. Will need to be cleaned upon receipt. Each berry contains 2-4 seeds. Will consider trades or send for Self Addressed Stamped Bubble Envelope. Running low on the little baggies so would appreciate a few of those also. Also willing to trade for small baggies or those organza or net type drawstring mini bags.

My address is in the address exchange. Please include a note stating "beauty berry seeds".
If you can't access the address exchange, please dmail me.

This message was edited Aug 28, 2009 8:54 AM

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I would like some of both colors please. Will say for SABE right now but if I get to town I'll pick up some bags of both types if I can find the drawstring bags. Our WM is remodeling so hard to find things right now. Margaret

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Our Super WM remodeled last year and I'm still trying to find things.
Still have plenty of these left. Some have been cleaned & dried now.

Ocean Springs, MS

I can trade you some little baggies for both kinds of seeds. Or I can send SABE. thanks, julie

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Julie
A SASBE is fine.

Ocean Springs, MS

Cool! I'll be sending it out soon. Thanks so much. julie

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Actually, I'm having fun cleaning them. Kinda like popping the cells on bubble wrap. The berries pop when you squeeze them in the baggie. LOL Doesn't take much to amuse me!

Flippin, AR(Zone 7a)

I have bachelor button seeds and small baggies can trade you for either.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, I don't need any seeds right now and just needed a couple baggies to put the seeds in to send back but I did buy some so all I need is a SASBE now.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

I would like a few of each if still available for SSAE.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Still have plenty.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

My SSAE is on the way. Have you grown these from seeds? If so what is the best way to get them started? Plant in a container, in the ground, WS ??????????? I wonder how long ,years?, it will take to get a decent sized plant with berries?

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Nope. I let the birds have them all last year so this year will my first trying for seed also. I think I read somewhere where they need cold storage for awhile but they self seed here in Florida where we don't get cold for long periods of time so I'm not sure how accurate that info is.

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

I would like some of each ..If not to late..I'll pick up some little bags.(Zip lock type)


Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

I would love some of both if you have any left. I saw the purple version on ebay once (while looking through a seller's other items), I wanted them but had already gone over budget. They would make a beautiful addition to my garden. I can send a SASBE. Thank you!

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Have pleny of both colors cleaned & dried now.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Still have plenty left

Spring, TX

I'd love to have some, will get a SASBE with some baggies in the mail to you this week. Thanks!!

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks. Still have plenty.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Received mine today and a generous amount of them too. Thanks so much

Ocean Springs, MS

I mailed out my envelope today. thanks, julie

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Budgielover.... how long does it take to go from a seed to a nice sized bush? ( years I am sure)

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

I have the purple. I would love some of the white though. Thank you.


Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I still have a few trades left everyone.
Please be sure to send a BUBBLE envelope. I don't received seeds as a rule so I don't always keep any on hand. I don't like to send them in plain envelopes because they can get crushed in the cancellation machines.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Got my seeds. Thank you so much. Think I am going to try planting some now in pots and see what happens.

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