Hummingbird Adventures #16

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Time to start a new thread to share our adventures with our hummingbird friends. As I've been taking care of yard chores, I see the hummers feeding off the flowers I planted for them. :-)
Sometimes I'm lucky enough to get a photo of them. Mostly, I don't get good photos.
After their busy day, they always seem to wind up out back with me, enjoying the shade on the patio.
This is Zippy, who seems to like coming back to this perch on the wire.

This is where we came from:

As always, I invite you to share your stories and photos of your hummingbird adventures with us. Thank all of you who do share, and come visit.
Walk In Beauty!
Singing Wolf

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Marlton, NJ

Really nice shot SW!!!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

One more of Zippy, then I will need to take a break for a little while. I have a bunch more to post. You can see that Zippy is looking in the other direction in this photo. She was startled because she was gone right after I got this photo.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks Pelle,
I'm trying to learn how to use the new camera. Bless the hummers for perching long enough, so I can figure out where the zoom control is, and actually use it. :-)
Zippy likes to have her photo taken and is a frequent visitor to the gh feeders.

Joshua, TX

That's so cute, look at her little feet.

Sanford, NC(Zone 7a)

I think I'll put a hook on these two and call them Christmas ornaments? LOL One of two........

Thumbnail by 24goingfor5
Sanford, NC(Zone 7a)

Two of two........

Thumbnail by 24goingfor5
Eugene, OR

Nice pictures SW and 24goingfor5!! Perfect Christmas ornaments.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Sally, I have a hand carved hummingbird Christmas ornament.
Like to see your hummers 24, almost as nice as the double rainbow you posted on the other thread.
I'm still way behind on posting hummer photos, but since I can't sleep, at least I can use the time to catch up.
These were taken at MIL's last Thursday. I guess she has managed to coax a few hummers to visit her feeders instead of her neighbor's. She used to have hundreds of hummers visit her in Riverside. Since she moved to Sun City, she has to compete with all the other retired folks for hummers. LOL!

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure what kind he was. He was guarding the feeder. Seemed different than my friends. Something about his coloring and markings were different.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't know if you can see, because it was getting dark, but his body appears lighter in color than Zooms, or the BCH's that visit me.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

He looks positively scruffy in this photo.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Maybe it's a new punk feather do?

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

It sure moved fast! My son was able to grab the camera and take this photo of the hummer which was almost over his head. He didn't really have time to focus, but I thought he did a nice job, considering how hard they are to catch.
This was the last photo of her hummer friend. She says there are usually more hummers, but less people around. Probably makes a difference to the hummers.
That's it from me this early morning.
To sleep, per chance to dream . . .

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I guess taking photos of hummers at home has turned into a bit of a road trip on this page. Not that I haven't seen my hummer friends. With the heat, they've been hiding out and the only chance I have to get photos is early in the morning or late afternoon.
I took these photos while visiting fellow DG'er KaperC's house.
Spotted this fine fellow hiding in the honeysuckle.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Now you can see him better! Isn't he sweet, or maybe this is a she.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hard to tell if this hummer is a male or a female. Was quite interested in what we were up to!

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

It's got a spot on the top of it's head and one under the chin? KC has Spot the Hummer? Just teasing!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Oops, forgot the photo. Spot?

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Her hummer seems goldy green underneath and a goldy red/orange on top. Must be the angle of the sun.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Sure looks golden to me. A bit blurry though.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't see any spots on this photo, and was happy "Spot" stuck around long enough for me to get a few. BTW, I was on the outside of the house, so this was not taken through the window. He was guarding a feeder that was a few feet away in front of KC's kitchen window! I've noticed that when I walk by their feeders or my husband does, the hummers show up to see if we've touched or changed anything.
More soon.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

One day, when it was cloudy outside, I saw a pair of hummers chasing each other around the gh. I was amused by their energy, and most of this series you will not see fine detail, but I did capture some speeding hummers.
Perched and vigilant before the chase began.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

One sneaky hummer flew over our vigilant Zooms' head and through the open vents inside the gh. Zoom took off in pursuit. You can see both in this photo.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Both at the other end of the gh.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

This hummer chased the other hummer out of the gh, and repeatedly returned to this spot over the banana.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

A couple of silhouettes.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

And another!

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

My favorite photo that day.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Lakewood, NJ

My little friend. :)

Thumbnail by laynie
Eugene, OR

Nice pic.....tongue and all. LOL

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Really chilly here this morning 55,hummers all fluffed up,took these through the window

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

2,great pix everyone

This message was edited Aug 30, 2009 8:32 AM

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by huggergirl
Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

6 was going to pull up the zinnias ,but the hummers and finches are loving the bugs ,perches,seed,guess I cant pull them up now =)

This message was edited Aug 30, 2009 8:42 AM

Thumbnail by huggergirl
Eugene, OR

LOL I left some for the same reason, still being used! Neat pictures, don't think I've ever seen them fluffed up.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Gosh, Laynie, your hummer friend is charming! : - )
Nice to see yours too, huggergirl! They fluff up like that to provide air pockets to keep them warm. They pant through their open mouths when they get too hot. I know because it's been really hot here lately. Their beaks are always open. They perch a lot more too, always in the shade when it gets this hot. Expect some activity this evening. Hard to believe that it's already getting cold someplace.
I heard through a friend in Canada that she is getting more hummers in her yard. She said that they were getting ready to migrate south. Mind boggling.
Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. The kids went back to school, and brought something home and shared it with me. As Grandpappy used to say, I've been off my feed lately. Will try to post some photos as soon as I download them.

(Zone 7a)

I was up very early this morning and heard a commotion at the feeder which is right outside the office window. The sun was not quite up yet, so, I grabbed the camera and went out to see what the heck was going on.

Mama hummer had brought her new baby to visit!

Thumbnail by kwanjin

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