Does anyone grow Bonanza?

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I would love to see a photo of Bonanza growing in someone's garden. I recently bought a couple at a real bargain in gallons at a local nursery where they looked seriously neglected. They are doing very well now, but haven't bloomed yet. I can't decide where I want to plant them until I know more about their performance, etc. I don't want to give them a prime spot if they don't have a good history.

Baton Rouge, LA

I'm pretty sure Jeanne grows Bonanza. She was who first told me about the Evison trio that included it... and I think she has all three.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I didn't realize it was an Evison clem. I'll have to check and see how tall it gets.
I see I'm not the only night owl. It's been a very long day and I think I'm going to have to give in and call it a day.
BTW, if it's part of a trio, what are the other two?

Baton Rouge, LA

The collection is called "The Festoon Collection"... I just looked up the other cultivars in it. It was marketed as a trio by Donahue's, I guess because they only had three of the ones included in it. There are actually five listed in the collection by Evison: Avant-Garde, Bonanza, Confetti, Galore, and Palette. Donahue's doesn't carry Confetti or Palette.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have Bonanza Sharkey. Year two it is 6', light purple blooms about 3". Overall a keeper, but I think it would appreciate a sunnier location than where I currently have it.

Delaware, OH

confetti readily available in my area in nurserys and is a really good clem to grow.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks to all of you. Confetti is one that Maurice from Joy Creek suggested would do well here in our climate for some reason. I have no problem providing sun, in fact, too much. I already have Avant Garde and Galore, both of which have done very well here. Maybe Bonanza will as well. I appreciate the info.

It appears from what I read that Bonanza will bloom later than my G2's. I have a couple of short, but wide trellises that I plan to put behind the new knockout tree roses. The rose stalk is about 3-4 ft tall. The holes were so huge after digging up overgrown shrubs that I have plenty of room for two clems behind each rose. I want to put an earlier bloomer and a later one. Thinking of using Candida, since the liners have done so well for me and a G3 as well. Just can't decide which G3. I have a few Warsaw Nike but I've seen it classified as a G2 in places and other places as a G3. HF Young, even though a G2, did great for me, so I may give him this prime spot. Is Bonanza a similar color as HFY? I also think Tie Dye would look good underneath the red roses, although it gets pretty tall. I don't think I want the clem to climb the stalk. I'm not sure how that would look.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I don't know how FL heat influences colors, but my HFY has a blue hue to it, whereas Bonanza has more purple. Bonanza is not a deep purple like Galore, it's almost like it can't decide whether to be lavender or purple. Of the two, my preference lies with HFY.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you, venu. I didn't think I would like HFY that much, but the color is beautiful. It's a bluish lavender, hard to describe.

Delaware, OH

hf young has a magical color to the sepals, really really just abnormally beautiful.
blooms low for a couple of years before it starts to really climb, but we can forgive him that. good front of border clem too in the early years. many flowers. re blooms. a great clem.

no comment on bonanza, ok, you beat it out of me, it is on the ordinary side. someone mentioned theirs needs more sun. so does mine, but i think it is the kind of clem that makes you think that. not a bad clem, just can't compare to some others, galore being one of them.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Since I rescued a few Bonanzas I guess I'll eventually find them a permanent home, but I won't give them prime real estate, as I think you call it, Guru. I love a challenge, so I can't wait to see if I can be successful with a few others I rescued that aren't supposed to be the very best clems, such as Wada's Primrose. I also have a couple of Anna Louise which came from the same source. When I looked it up, it reminded me of the colors of Mrs. N. Thompson, which has only given me one small bloom with a single color (a liner from Donahues which I'm sure will do better next yr.)

Rebecca bloomed today with about 6 more buds. It's what I would call a deep red, almost garnet, like the FSU Seminole colors. When I paint my FSU birdhouse, I've decided to plant Niobe next to the pole, which is the closest clem I have to those colors. When more blooms open, I'll post a pic.

Baton Rouge, LA

Sharkey, several sources list Wada's Primrose as an excellent performer in warmer regions. I think you will find it's a lovely clem for you.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I hope Primrose will do well if for no other reason Prim and Rose are both part of my maiden Italian name. That's what I named our ski boat when I was young. I can't even imagine this body being able to do something like that now! It hurts just thinking about it.

Baton Rouge, LA

LOL! Sharkey, we went to Table Rock Lake right outside Branson for vacation a few years ago and rented a ski boat. You'd be surprised what an old body can do sometimes! The kids had not skiied before, and being good Southerners I felt required knowing this skill... so in hopped mom to teach them how. At that point, I hadn't skiied in 25 years, but it's like riding a bike!

Have you seen the commercial (I can't even remember the product now) of that 89-year-old woman who still waterskis? I was in awe!!!

Delaware, OH

sharkey, i just realized you had asked for a picture of wadas bonanza. here is mine from last summer, which was a better year for that clem than this year. this is about as vigorous and the most flowers it has ever had. it is a pleasant clem, for me just not breathtaking in size, floriferousness or habit.
this said, maybe it is a self fulfilling prophecy as i do not expect a lot morefrom it. it gets all the same regime as my other clems and is not in prime real estate.

would love to se some pics of folks wadas in full vigor and bloom and as mine is in (it was a joy creek purchase fall of 08) year two and establishing on a steady pace but has not bloomed yet. that never bothers me to have a bloom delay if the plant is healthy and progressing.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru

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