CLOSED: What Are You Willing To Trade For It? *Seed Auction* # 5

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome to the seed auction!

This auction is hosted by Mekos, I am simply the coordinator. Please defer all questions, comments and inquiries to Mekos.

Up for bids is:

5 bulbs of red spider lilies
1 pkg of yellow -marigolds-home grown
1 pkg- sweet sultan- home grown
1 pkg Adlumia Fungosa seeds-climbing bleeding heart
5 seeds -Yellow-Morning Glory -fresh and new(not been planted)

Please bid in the form of PLANTS and SEED you are willing to trade ONLY.

Bidding will end at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 26.

**Please no chatting in the thread. Post only what you are willing to bid. Chatting can be done in the current 'Seed Junkie Chit Chat' Thread, located here:

The winning bidder will be notified immediately following the auction's end via d-mail with instruction on where to mail the seeds. The winner will also be posted here on the thread.

Good Luck and have fun!

This message was edited Aug 23, 2009 9:51 PM

Well today is August 23rd and the Auction will end at 8:00pm on August 26-Wednesday night and winner will be announced at that time. Thanks to everyone who has helped so much with the seeds for newbies auctions. This was a huge success and we need to continue to support this great cause. Every month a new baggie of seeds I raise will be sent to Arejay59 for the newbies. As I have said before, I keep a few to do the auctions and the rest will be put in a baggie for the newbies. When the baggie is full it ships to Arejay. I'm hoping to fill one every month, so what will YOU bid for it? Let the bids begin.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I think Cue caught Robin's time warp disease. ROFLOL

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i think you mean sept 2? lol

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

this is the second time i have copied and pasted and tried to change the date on an auction but it didnt take.. so sorry.. i fixed it :)

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

OK! Here is my bid:
5 Bearded Iris Rhizomes (unknown Cultivar)
5 Surprise Lily Bulbs
5 dried Garden Phlox Tops
1 pkg Hybrid Columbine seeds (from my garden)
1 pkg Oriental Tiger Lily bulbis (from my garden)
5 Daylily Fans- "Kwanso"
10 Morning Glory seeds "Grandpa Ott"
5 Sunflower Seeds "Girasol"
10 Hollyhock seeds "Chater's Double Magenta"

How's that? :)

Pretty nice Bid Mechelle. Very generous offer Mekos!!!! I'll have to see if I can find my DH's stash. :)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Wow are sending them to the newbies again? She is just so generous. I want to tell everyone then Ill stop chatting on the auction thread. Jan gifts all the seed she auctions off she buys what she auctions and sends to the newbies. This comes from her heart. Im sorry Jan I had to tell....

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

moretz - we mean Aug 26

WOW Mechelle, that IS a great bid.
Well, I have to confess, I didn't buy all the seeds, SWEET SERAY sent me some and some I get in trades, so I use some for more trades, but the majority WILL go to the newbie cause. Just my way to say" thank you" to all the sweet people I have met here and has helped me get started out again. I lost most of my plants a few years ago from a drought ,and then my health took a nose dive, then I found this garden site and got the encouragement to start out again, and now Have so many they are coming out my ears. So where better to send them to, than where they do the most good?(the newbie center.) Turning in early tonight, back tomorrow. Thanks everyone. GOOD NIGHT, John boy.(don't be telling my secrets).

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Goodnight Jon Girl....

I think arejay got everyones seed stash. BUT here is an addition to the original offer up for bids: IF you order from Gurneys seed and nursery before Sept.9th, and order 50.00 worth of whatever, you can deduct $25.00 from the total. That is a saving of 25.00. You get 50.00 worth of things for only 25.00. and you can order by phone or mail or online. NOT bad, they have some beauties right now on sale. Better get the bids in before wednesday night at 8:00pm.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Before ordering from Gurney's, be sure to check the Garden Watchdog and see what others have to say about Gurney's. Gurney's was a very good company at one time, but not really any longer. If just ordering seeds, you should be okay, but if ordering plants, don't get your hopes up too high.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks for the heads up treelover, always a good idea to check the Garden Watchdog when considering purchasing from somewhere new :)

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

You Know I think everyone has bad experiences with different places and all, but you know I have bought from Gurneys and Park Seed and some others that people have said they had problems with and I have never had any problem with them. I have bought both plants and seed from both. Thats like Wayside Gardens people really raise a fit when I said I had bought hostas from them but I didn't have a single one to be bad or die on me and no problem of getting my plants. But I guess it is like anything else you have good and bad.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

well, there is no business anywhere int he world that is perfect, and yes, eventually someone will have a bad experience with any of them. After all, these places are run by human beings, and like all human beings, are subject to mistakes. And when dealing with live plants, there are sooo many variables that can render an order 'unacceptable', what makes any company a 'good' company, is their willingness to replace or refund the purchase and take care of their customers in a timely manner.

However, I usually forgive once.. but burn me more than once and I take my business elsewhere.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey thats what I think too. I have bought from a couple of places out of California and they were supose to be great places and everything I have bought from them died on me so I don't buy from them now but I am not going to give them a bad rep over it as someone else might not have a problem what so ever with them.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi all.. just checkin' in.. Did you add that to the original bid Mekos? I'm confused, or just need more coffee, lol

Yes it was added to the original bid . I was thinking of adding something nice for the winner of the auction but I can add something else . Like a bonus flower seed pack. I'll think of something good. AND wed. night there will be a surprise announcement you won't want to miss.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I will see you then.. Wed at 8pm ;-)

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Morningall! Couln't let this go with only one bid, so just went out and checked for more seeds, etc. so I could place a bid! Hopefully this will inspire a few others to also bid and make this a little more interesting! ;-)

Here is my bid:
1 Coleus plant- trailing red
1 Wax Begonia plant- red flowering, unknown cultivar
1 Mystery plant- (hardy, perennial)

3 Hyacinth bulbs- mixed

Seed Pkgs:
Liatris- purple
joe pye weed
delphinium- blue butterfly
blue flax
alyssum- basket of gold
joe pye weed- chocolate
bloody mary
columbine- mixed, (probably yellow & white)
spider flower
liatris-spicata 'alba'
gallardia- goblin
wild iris

Ok, folks, let's come up with some more bids!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I will add to my bid :
1 Crepe Myrtle cutting: lavender
1 Crepe Myrtle cutting: pink
1 Rose of Sharon cutting: Minerva
1 Rose of Sharon cutting: Freedom
1 Hydrangea cutting: Nikko Blue
2 cuttings Variegated Vinca

If I think of more today, I will add ;-)

This sounds like cue and hollyhock a while back. (hehehe)

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Geez, Mechelle, now you're going to make me go back out and see what else I can find. Might even go check out the neighbor's yards, too! Teehee!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

LOLskellogg, that's funny! You go girl!

You are Both pretty funny, and even I am am curious as to who will win. But am sure the newbies will be very happy when the extras get shipped to arejay in a couple more weeks. Got a baggie started already.
8:00pm is coming soon, winner announced and a big surprise also. Can't wait.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Me neither, lol ;-)

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Ok, guess what I found? Darn neighbors raise food! Who ever heard of gardening that way? Teehee! So I am going to add to my bid:
5 Snow on the Mtn. plants
1 Rhubarb plant
Cucumbers- pickling
Tomato- Homestead
Tomato-Marmande (sp?)
Egg Plant- Black Beauty
Peppers- Jalapeno

Indian grass
Jewel of Opal
Oriental Poppies- mixed

This message was edited Aug 26, 2009 3:00 PM

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Never new there were so many seeds....duh! wonder where things come from? Just never thought about it.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Dahtzu, no kidding! And I always figured that I didn't have much in my yard, and still don't think that I have enough planted! Must be why I went to raid the neighbors'. It just always seems I have way too many bare spots, and not enough variety!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

OOPS! Had to edit my bid, forgot the poppies!

Woo hoo skellogg, that is sounding super good. WOW! You two are are gonna be hard to choose from. Those all sound good. See ya tonight. Lots of luck. Woo-hoo.

You guys are too funny! Nice bids! I thought I got all the seeds last week. Look out Robin!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Well, you know. Sometimes you just have to dig a little deeper! LOL! Or in this case, hunt a little harder. And what better cause than helping someone else build their gardens. I might even drive around and look for empty lots and houses that I can raid! ;-)

you go skellogg! I like this kind of thinking.

You know once you start collecting you'll find yourself looking into the bushes in the middle of town. Looking on the ground when you walk for tree seeds. And you'll find them in your pockets when you go to wash clothes. And if your kids start to help you..... LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yup - what Sherri said - lol. Guilty of all of the above!

Truely seed NUTS.

Well these were both really nice bids but I think I got to pick Skellogg. D-mail me with your address info and will ship out in the morning. Thank you so much for all the seed and bids. Hang around for the new auction announcement about the surprise auction. CONGRATULATIONS Skellogg and talk to you a little later. Thanks.

Congratulations Skellogg!!!! Very nice bid. You and Mechelle have us all out with our little collection bags. Good job. LOL

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