New Echinacea pictures

(Warren)Lisbon Falls, ME(Zone 5a)

Here are some new pictures I just took. I really like Coral Reef. Even as the flowers get older and fade they are a nice contrast between old and new flowers.

Thumbnail by mcgper1
(Warren)Lisbon Falls, ME(Zone 5a)

Green Eyes and Coconut Lime together...

Thumbnail by mcgper1
(Warren)Lisbon Falls, ME(Zone 5a)

New Flame Thrower flowers just opening

Thumbnail by mcgper1
(Warren)Lisbon Falls, ME(Zone 5a)

Little Angel Echin - kinda like a toothy kid smile with a few teeth missing.

This message was edited Aug 23, 2009 4:48 PM

Thumbnail by mcgper1
(Warren)Lisbon Falls, ME(Zone 5a)

Mac n' Cheese

Thumbnail by mcgper1
(Warren)Lisbon Falls, ME(Zone 5a)

Tomato Soup Ech

Thumbnail by mcgper1
(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

My Flame Thrower just grows and grows but will not bloom. I have 3 of them. Maybe they'll bloom next year.

Coral Reef doesn't seem to like it here. It may be the heat.

Does Green Eyes not keep the Green Eye long or do some blooms not have the green eye?

This message was edited Aug 23, 2009 4:13 PM

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Oh how lovely. I would be interested in seeing how 'Flame Thrower' looks as the blooms mature and age. Also how does M&C hold up in form and color? These are all looking really pretty. I am glad you could share them here with us.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I can't wait to see Flame Thrower next year. I'm sure these will make it through the winter. They are the toughest of all the newer Echinaceas. That is one you can count on being winter hardy. The roots are very good on that cultivar.

(Warren)Lisbon Falls, ME(Zone 5a)

I'm really impressed with the root system of Milkshake. It is very thick and hearty looking. Not a lot of thin spindly roots at all.
I am going to take a few more pictures of flame thrower when it opens all the way.
Green Eyes all have the green center that gradually turns into a yellow brown. It seems to change the "eye" from Green to Brownish as it matures. You can see a new flower on the right then a more mature one in the middle and the one on the left is middle age. They all keep the dimple but it just gets smaller. The petal color doesn't seem to fade either.
Mac n Cheese seems to get a deeper yellow as it gets older. They go from young to old(left to right in the picture).

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Oh nice info, thanks. I have 'Milkshake' on the list for next year too. I heard somewhere that the blooms do not age on that one and now a good stocky root system, sounds very good. M&C looks good to me too, also on list with 'Flame Thrower'.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)


The Milkshake plant I ordered from you is doing amazingly well.

I'm impressed with the Hot Papaya I got from you too. I think the roots are good on that one too. You should see how they look after a week!

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks for posting the photos, Warren! I can never get enough of new echies. I can't wait to have my sunny border ready for next year (it's weed central right now) so I can plant a bunch of these beauties. Now the problem is...which ones? I love the doubles, so I think Coral Reef is going to be a must-have.

Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm enjoying the pictures. Now that I have figured out a good place for these I may be able to splurge and get some of the more expensive new ones.They need some shelter in the afternoon from our extreme sun. The ones I seeded from last year in the new bed are doing so much better than those in full afternoon sun.

(Warren)Lisbon Falls, ME(Zone 5a)

I'm glad your enjoying them. I'm in dread every time I go in the greenhouse...I had a Groundhog move into one end and I'm afraid he may want a snack...makes me a bit nervous. I borrowed something to take care of him but he must know so is never out where I can see him.
Never had one burrow right into my greenhouse on one side and also on the other.

This message was edited Aug 25, 2009 10:35 PM

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