Seedling, 'La Paz' x 'Liberty'

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Here is a seedling of mine that bloomed for the first time this spring. This is a 'La Paz' x 'Liberty' cross. I have several from this cross, but only two have bloomed so far (the first to bloom was nearly identical to this one, the only significant difference I noted was a consistently shorter pedicel (1" or less in length) with a slightly smaller center "star").

(edited to add: This one's pedicels are about consistenly about 3" long)

The red is an average red, but a nice bright red, not orangey. The petals are slightly ruffled, and the flower is about 4" across. The leaves are medium to slightly darker than medium green and are about or just under 1 1/2" across at the widest point. The longest are around 18" to 19", with a purplish cast to the underside of the base.

This particular one has bloomed again. How unusual is it for hippeastrums to re-bloom? The only other one I've had do that has been my 'Mr. Hughes', and it consistently blooms in the spring and then again about mid-summer.

This is one of the recent flowers - it's a day or two old (and the day after a rain storm). Four flowers per umbel.

This message was edited Aug 23, 2009 11:38 AM

Thumbnail by Carter
Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

That last one was takend with my iPhone, so sorry about the quality. Here is a pic from this spring.

('La Paz'x'Liberty) #2. Spring 2009. Again, just after an overnight rain shower. Heh, you might think we get a lot of rain, eh? I wish!

Thumbnail by Carter
Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

This is a slightly better shot of the same flower. I should have posted this one instead (I think it's just a little crisper).

('La Paz'x'Liberty) #2

Thumbnail by Carter
Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Here is the sibling... (which you can see in the above pics, peeking in from the right side)

('La Paz'x'Liberty) #1.

Thumbnail by Carter
Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)


Those are absolutely beautiful! Good Job! I believe I like #2 the best.


Mesa, AZ

It's quite lovely! I love the bolder green throat in #2. Congratulations on such a beautiful creation!

Zephyrhills, FL

I'm not familiar with Liberty or Mr Hughes. Are they recent commercial hybrids?
, Del

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Mr. Hughes is a cross that was never named. It was traded to me years ago as such so I let the name stick. I in turn gave one to Carter. If Carter has not posted photos by tonight when I get home I will post one of Mr. Hughes for you to see.


Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

Good job on both Carter.Here is a pic of Mr.Hughes,given to me by Carter.

Thumbnail by gone2seed
Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Nice to see my plants 'get around' LOL!

Zephyrhills, FL

As far as I am concerned,the name is Mr Hughes. Someone grew it and named it,so that is its name. The fact that it has been distributed to friends, under that name and that there are photos, which Identify it,makes it much less likely that someone will introduce it commercialy, under another name. Even if it were patented, there are those who will steal, by reproducing it. The first three years of an introduction, are the profit years. After that people are selling it illegaly,at reduced price,because they spent no money developing it.
It is very pretty. It is softly, delicately, babyfaced pretty.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

WOW.... awesome!

I have exactly one experience attempting to breed amaryllis, and it was 'Charisma' with a green hybrid whose name I've long since forgotten. It took a lot of patience and time to see the first blooms some two plus years later, and I lost a lot of seedlings in the interim.

I just did my cross because I had the time and greenhouse space for a few hundred seedlings, not knowing what to expect. I somehow hoped that I would get a green background with red markings, but that was more of a pipe dream than anything. The plant that I selected out of the cross was a lovely salmon colour, and very vigorous.

Do you do a lot of Amaryllis breeding? Is there any sort of resource that details genetics and inheritance in Amaryllis that you could pass on?

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