This just bloomed two day ago

Milan, OH

I got this a few weeks ago I got it on sale and it was so healthing looking it is finally blooming. It is called Tiki Torch I went back to get the tomato soup and mac and cheese and they were all sold out.

Thumbnail by Breeze1947
Milan, OH

Here is another view of it. I have a question were do you all get your coneflowers the common ones are easy to get but some of them you can't find them anywhere and you are forced to go to the internet if you really want it you end up with a really little plant that may not make it. I was lucky this year I found this one.


Thumbnail by Breeze1947
Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Very nice Breeze and congrats on your finding it. If you can stand to wait a year most of the new ones from this year will be available on line in larger sizes, they will also have larger prices. Also you will be finding them at local nurseries too since many will be growing them out over winter.

Milan, OH

Thanks I sure hope the local nurseries start growing them I really like to see what I am buying.


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