Iris for postage, from makj UPDATE

Santa Ynez, CA

Hello all, I have to stop sending iris out as I have WAY too much going on, one of which is my precious corgi is ill with cancer and I really have to concentrate on her and still have tons of iris to get in the ground, to say I am behind is an understatement......
I will send back the postage to those of you who have paid........I am sorry for the inconvenience and truly I wanted to get everyone iris that I could. sincerely Marie

Thumbnail by makj
Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry that your Corgi is ill and that you are feeling overwhelmed. It is all very understandable. Thanks for offering to return the postage and I hope the best for you. God bless.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Makj what a sweet babe. My best to you and her.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I am sure everyone will understand... don't you worry about it... I have two corgis and would be doing the exact same thing... those sweet loveable faces need extra TLC...

Winnsboro, TX

Oh Marie, what a lovely picture of your little dog. The background with all the bluebonnets and ? (Poppies) is breathtaking. If the little orange things aren't poppies I'd like to know what they are.

I do pray that you take care of yourself and your darling puppy. We all know that are pets are a big part of our family. I love my pets and it breaks my heart when one of them is sick. Sending good thoughts to you and your precious little dog.

Best Regards, Marian

Santa Ynez, CA

Thank you everyone, as you can see from the photo she is a doll and well let's face it she is my child, and I want her to be with me and my husband as long as we can. she did well with stage one of things and now we hope to do stage 2. I am close to her too as she got me through a bad time when my brother passed away, constant companion to say the least. and because I work at a veterinary hospital she gets to go to work with me and she is with me 24/7.
sorry to disappoint anyone, but between her and getting the stacks of iris in the ground, I am BEHIND.........thanks Marie

Santa Ynez, CA

I forgot to say that photo was taken in April of this year and those flowers are lupine and poppies, it was an amazing show this year, there is one side of the mountain that is blanketed in those flowers and the smell when you step out of the car..........awesome..

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

I am sure the wonderful people on this forum will understand. I wish you the best, your baby is really beautiful.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Beautiful picture of an obviously sweet dog. I will keep you both in my heart as you go through this difficult time.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Marie, sorry to hear of your sweet baby's illness. Believe me, we all understand. Just return my money to my PayPal account when you can. And thanks again for your offer of free iris.


Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Marie, just wanted to offer (((hugs))) and well wishes for you and your sweet corgi. So glad to hear you have your priorities straight!


Santa Ynez, CA

thanks everyone, we started radiation yesterday, and will be doing it daily, 5 days on 2 off, for the next 4 weeks, we drive about 1 and 1/2 hours to the place after work, thankfully she did fine yesterday, I pray it goes well for all the sessions, it was hard watching trot off with the technician, didn't even look back........thanks I will get everyone's money back to them as fast as I can Marie

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

No problem Marie, you take care. Times like this can be so stressful!

Santa Ynez, CA

Just thought I would let you know how my girl is doing, we finished radiation and she is doing well, took it a lot better than her mother did.......she is one tough little girl. we have a re-check in about a week and we will see from there, I know we have a chemo to do, but this one a big hurdle and I am proud of her. Here is a photo not the best but it shows her I am a cancer survivor bandana she got after her last treatment. she feels good and is herself and I can't ask for more than that......we were blessed......thanks for the support and concern, we are taking life one day at a time. Marie

Thumbnail by makj
Santa Ynez, CA

here is another shot

Thumbnail by makj
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

What a sweetie! So happy to hear the good report on radiation. I hope the chemo works as well. Glad you can enjoy your girl for a while longer -- at the very minimum. I will be sending you and your sweet little dog healing thoughts.

Santa Ynez, CA

thanks, I am happy to have another day with her........and many more to come.......

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I am so happy to hear your baby is doing well....I have a baby chihuahua....long story...but when we got her it turns out she was only 4 weeks old! and had been through 2 owners....needless to say she goes everywhere with me and is way past spoiled, I too would be devasted if I lost her....please keep as all posted!

Here's my little Chupacabra (my nickname for her when she's fiesty)

Thumbnail by trinawitch
Santa Ynez, CA

she is a cutie, Christy spends 24/7 with me as she goes to work with me, so to say we are attached is an understatement:)

Santa Ynez, CA

here she is taking her AM nap

Thumbnail by makj
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

oh she's so adorable! I'm disabled and home all day so she never leaves my side (usually lap) unless she's sleeping or going potty...if I try to leave and not take her this is what I get

The Chupacabra stands there and cries and barks and whines

Thumbnail by trinawitch
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the update. Happy for you that the first stage was sucessful.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Makj I am glad to hear that baby is doing so well with all of this. So sweet and what a nice thing to be given (Bandana) for all the struggle. She is looking well. Love the nap pose. What a cutie. We become so attached and they are trulu our children to car for and love huh.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I love the picture of Christy's AM nap! She certainly looks relaxed!
I love the name Chupacabra for your cutie, triawitch!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

her name is actually Tinkerbell, but when she's attacking my socks with my feet still in them, or anything that I am touching or otherwise doing that does not involve her as the center of my attention then she becomes the Chupacabra and she's still teething on everything!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Oh, I am delighted to learn that she isn't Chupacabra all the time. I understand about puppies. They do need to chew. After a small amount of time, she will grow up and not need to explore the world through chewing.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

gosh I hope's like having a newborn in the house all over again right now though

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