A new use for Canna leaves

Saluda, SC(Zone 8a)

We have a large Hispanic population in Saluda. This morning there was a knock on my door. There stood a man and a tiny child. Through gestures and very broken English he asked if he could have some plants. I finally understood that he wanted canna. I thought he wanted the plant, so I handed him a shovel. He said no and gestured that he wanted to break a off a leaf. I nodded okay and he proceeded to gather an armful of canna leaves. I asked what he was going to do with them and finally understood he was planning to use them as food wraps--he kept saying tamale.

Has anyone heard of such a thing? I hate to think they are going to get sick off my leaves! I goggled "eating canna leaves" and did find a reference to the fact the the root can be eaten. Learn something new everyday!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

How interesting. I know they use the banana leaves in Hawaii but I had not heard of using canna leaves either.

Edited to add: There is a canna forum; I wonder if anyone over there knows about this?

This message was edited Aug 22, 2009 8:43 AM

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Are the leaves actually eaten or are they a tropical version of waxed paper?


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

GOod point, I believe tamales are usually wrapped in corn husks and they are not eaten are they???

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I am pretty sure you eat the corn husks....or at least I have lol

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, I'll be! There is so much I have missed out on.

Saluda, SC(Zone 8a)

I don't know why I didn't think to google this. Here it is. The husk serves as a wrap to cook. It is usually removed to eat!

Belmont, NC(Zone 7b)

Amigos, Tamales are made of corn meal- the part that is eaten. They are wrapped in corn husks for cooking purposes only.
I still want to know about the Canna leaves. Please tell.

Saluda, SC(Zone 8a)

mightyscott, here is the answer I was given on canna forum. information I found elsewhere simple said canna leaves were not harmful, in fact the root is eaten.


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