Clematis help

Jetersville, VA

Don't know if my message got through the other day. We had a pretty strong storm suddenly blow up. I punched the send button & immediately disconnected my computer. Later I learned that our server was blown out. Regardless, thanks to those kind souls that came to my aid. You were correct. My mystery blue flower was a Passifloria. As a retired biochemist, I was interested in the plant possibly being a reservoir of natural alkaloid toxins. I keyed this one out after your lead. Fortunately, this one is not toxic and the fruit is edible. Thanks again.

Delaware, OH

it must be maypops variety to be self seeding and hardy, and growing early enough to go all the way to fruit?

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

I remember eating May pops as a child....haven't seen one in at least 50 yrs. Wish I could find another plant.

Delaware, OH

dazhu, you may be
thinking of the native "may apple" the low tropical looking plant native to appalachia and some parts of the midwest and n east. gets tiny apples under the leaves? they are quaint and some folks leave them...........different plant than the passiflora.
but maybe you were eating the maypop passion flower?

you can order the maypop passiflora (passionflower) at
not sure if better to plant it in spring or fall, but i know it establishes well in the spring in your zone.

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Thank you! I was told as a child that it was a May Pop. The only May Apples I've seen are poison!

Delaware, OH

sounds like the maypop passionflower fruit! hope you get some at logees, in your zone they will flourish! i had some a few years about and the flowers very as beautiful as any passionflower i have ever seen. in my zone 5 a , in the location i put them in, they came back but did not flourish. maybe i will try again too, as they are supposed to be hardy to zone 5!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

I haven't seen any Passion flowers around here. Where would be the best place to look for them. I really would love to get that flower.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

There is a passiflora forum on DG. Maybe they can help.

Delaware, OH or logees greenhouses carries the maypop passionflower, not sure if they ship it in fall as well as spring, but they do ship it in the spring. it is the only hardy passionflower rated to zone 5.

Jetersville, VA

Hello Dahtzu!

Glad to help out my Carolina neighbors. Just grab your backpack and a small shovel or hand trowel. These things are growing wild and abundantly along the new bike,hike,horse trail just west of Farmville, Va. Access trail just west of Main St., next to Charlie's Waterfront Cafe. The trail parallels what was the old rail line. You see plants in the shade, you see 'em in the sun. There are zillions. I don' know what their bloom cycle is, but they are blooming now. We hiked for about 6 miles one way before turning around and these plants were seen all along the trail.

Although this trail is open to the public, you will not likely see another traveler along the way. I also do not know if permission would be required to take a few sample plants or seed pods (fruit). One first observes a series of vines, then the flowers & fruit. These plants appear to have the same invasive potential as Kudzu and I would not be surprised if their growth were curtailed in the near future. Logically, no one would object if you were to pick up a few acorns or hickory nuts. Why would anyone object if you picked up a few samples. If you engaged in a commercial style harvest, that might be another matter. You might inquire about permission directly from the High Bridge Trail Commission. Google it.

Delaware, OH

that is so cool. if i lived there i would be figuring out how to get some seeds for sure without violating any standards or rules that. what could be better than finding a vining plant with such beautiful flowers that is hardy and also gives fruit. wow. that's gotta be good!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Howdy my VA neighbor, LOL the word Kudzu is enough to make me change my mind. Would love to see them but I think I will leave well enough alone.

Delaware, OH

oooh, yes that is a nasty word. plants from outer space nasty!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Some of the country around here looks as if it is being taken over by Kudzu, and nothing seems to stop it.

Delaware, OH


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