A Quiz

Appleton, WI

What is missing from the 4th picture in the first post? ;)


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

The answer is definitely not hosta. The Queen of Vines, perhaps?

A couple of pix down there are some purple benches, which is the exact color I painted my wooden bench. Never thought I'd see that anywhere else.

Appleton, WI

All those pretty obelisks on display and not a single clematis. Such a waste...lol

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Yes, I wondered about that too. I kept staring to see there were any small ones started.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

And, gosh, so many clems they could add to the blue or purple areas that would add so much and look so grand!

Appleton, WI

Did you notice in the background that there is at least another obelisk and a metal arch.

The metal arch, if it didn't flank a path, could have clematis growing up each side, with a gorgeous urn in the center planted with a smaller clematis.

Appleton, WI

And the spiral thing behind the pretty purple benches. Hagley Hybrid or Pink Fantasy would look stunning on that thing if it was a bit lower.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

JuliaJayne: I definately need you to come to my house!! I have no idea where to plant clems and you've a wonderful imagination. I guess I'm not very good at visualizing.

Appleton, WI

LOL, Dathen. I bet you have hundreds of places for clems. We just have to get your mind working in that direction. It just takes a few nudges and you'll start seeing your landscaping in an entirely different light.

Post photos and I'm sure you'll get a lot of suggestions.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Why would anyone have a garden filled with empty obelisk? To many vertical opportunities wasted.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

If I ever get my gardens cleaned up, I may post some pictures. Right now I'm in the middle of cutting back daylilies that are going brown too soon - looks bad - in fact, a lot of my perennials are looking bad.

JuliaJayne, you have me looking at one of my birdbaths in a different light. Its a black iron spiral with a dark blue glass bowl - you have me thinking how nice that would look with a white clem climbing up and into the bowl - find some plastic for the birds. LOL

You're right, bookreader, that does seem like a waste.

Appleton, WI

Are you having a dry or too wet summer, Dathen?

Oooh, a iron spiral? There are smaller clems that would work really well and you could still use it as a bird bath if you wanted to. I'm trying to remember the name of the clem that only gets about 2 feet tall. Cg got two of them in July.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

We had a very wet spring and beginning of summer - and then it got hot just lately. I think that really overwatered a lot of the plants - at least thats what it looks like with the daylilies.

Interesting how clematis makes one look at the gardens in a whole new way?

Appleton, WI

I still have ah-ha moments. I have a big forsythia that I will put clems onto, but it was just the other day that I noticed how perfect the branching was for clematis. Now all I can think of is which ones I want to put on it.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Some of the best gardeners still miss out on the power of height in a garden.

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