Does "Rouge Cardinal" ever have reddish leaves?

Anchorage, AK(Zone 3b)

I planted a Clematis labeled "Rough Cardinal" last summer. I don't remember the foliage being reddish. And all of the photos and descriptions I found on the web were green. All this year it has been reddish. Not a very healthy look (tho I LOVE most red foliage.) Is this normal or what could be missing, or in excess, in its diet? Or is there another variety of clematis that does have reddish foliage?

Delaware, OH

varieties have bronze foliage
some xlems get bronze when stressed

can u post pic?

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I have Rouge Cardinal and Red Cardinal...guess they're the same just different name..the leaves are green..have you tried empsom salt??

Delaware, OH

demstratt, i got the red cardinal too to do a head to head bloomcomparison. the red cardinal browned off and had to be pruned last month. so i never got to check the flowers exactly as i planted it so near one of my rouge cardinal displays and didn't track the blooms closely enough/ but i plantt o keep an eye on it them. that is the whole reason i got the red i need to pay attention.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

A friend bought me the Red Cardinal and the flowers look the same...she thought mine was marked wrong,the flowers do look the same..tell me what yours does..

Appleton, WI

Rouge Cardinal and Red Cardinal are the same. I can't remember why the name was changed in the nursery trade, but if I find it, I will post it.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks JJ...I know both look the same,but was told they are not at 2 different nurseries today...guess this is their way of selling more plants..

Delaware, OH

jj and all, i will need to see blooms head to head to say it is the exactly the same, which is why i planted it out in close location. may be next summer before i see that.
has anyone grown them in similar real estate, zone and same gardener to document the differences or not?
would love to hear about that or see photos.
assuming it is the same.......usually when a plant is the same, but named differently it is to dodge registrations or to use alternative distribution for the plant that may not be sanctioned by the importer or main seller...why else would someone give an alternative name when the original name is one of high respect and identity?
i am a person with experience growing clems in zone 5 however and do not study the details of the business side the way some do or have all the first hand knowledge of our credible suppliers ,but this is my understanding.

many clems have been re marketed this way, or are not really different but were managed to be registered as a different cultivar.

Delaware, OH

demstratt, good , actually great point. there are so many folks in the clem business , actually market saturated in the middle man area vs the development and importation part of the supply chain and there is inventory to move and many many strategies for doing so.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

One place even showed me in his supply name or cost listed there...asked who he gets his from he said he has a buyer that does all the orders..good excuse!!

Appleton, WI

A lot of clematis names have been changed for various reasons including for marketing purposes.

Here are a few examples:
Warzsawska Nike/Warsaw Nike,
Blikitny Anoil/Blue Angel
Paul Fargus/Summer Snow
Princess of Wales/Princess Diana
Jadwiga Theresa/General Sikorski

Delaware, OH

jj, someone of those, if not all of them have not changed, our version is us the americanization or english translation of the clem name.

Appleton, WI

The information on JadwigaTheresa/General Sikorski is available on CoTW. The Princess of Wales name change can be found on the Magnus Johnson website.

Jim Fisk, who introduced Brother Stephan's Warzsawska Nike changed the name.

I still can't remember the book where I saw that Rouge Cardinal and Red Cardinal are the same, but the 2 being the same is also stated on CotW.

Blue Angel and Summer Snow were changes for the US Market, but I can't recall who was responsible for the name changes.

Also, Ray Evison has taken some of the older varieties and has or is renaming them and re-introducing them into the marketplace.

All this name changing of clematis drives me nuts. I think I'm going to keep and list my sources.

Does anyone remember which clematis was mentioned recently that had a name change due to it being the same name of an already named rose?

Delaware, OH

good info jj.

Anchorage, AK(Zone 3b)

This thread got way off topic so maybe no point in saying : My original post was an error. I was reading an old plant tag. The clem with reddish foliage is "Jackman's Superb" - or at least so labled at Lowes. "Rouge Cardinal" that I planted last year did not overwinter. I'd forgotten.

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