Celosia Plants

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Guys,

Not sure I am in the right place but I had some great plants growing in a hanging pot. Some yellow, red, pink and they became cramped.

So, my thought were to put them in a bigger pot.
They are now not doing so good, what did I do wrong, they were very healthy................


Hi Deb it's a bit hard to know what you did ...they like warmth.
They may have gone into shock when you lifted them ...all I can suggest is watering with weak seasol.If you disturbed the roots you may need to cut a few leaves in half to make up for root loss.I don't know what sort of temps you have but they just may be cold. They need warmth. Good luck with them.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

How long ago did you repot them Debi? I think celosia are annuals? If thats the case, they die off each year and need to be replaced. You should be able to get a punnet fairly cheap at one of your local nurseries.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Guys,

I have some more seeds, when should I pot them and should I plant them in the pot they will stay in?



Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Debi, if you have a warm spot, you can sow the seeds now using seed raising mix (sand + peat + soil)
keep them moist (watering in the morning so they are warm and wet) and when they are big enough to handle, or have about 4-6 leaves, repot them either into the garden, or into pots of your choice.
For an individual plant, I would say a pot size of 120mm would be enough to see them to maturity
and for a group, try something about 25cm across and plant about 5 in it. You could try planting them with some flowering annuals from bunnings, like petunias or marigolds.
The ideal time to sow those seeds would have been autumn, so that they were a bit larger by spring, which is when they will do their growing and flowering. But being in a warm climate, you should be right to try now.
You could use a clear plastic storage box, or a chinese takeaway food container, (with the lid on) to put the sown seed into, until you can see germination. Then take off the lid and water before it has a chance to dry out.
I hope you have good luck with it, and would love to see your flowers when they come out!

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