Free Seed For Newbies! Directions To Get Your Free Seed!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome to DG!

Please direct all comments, questions and SASBE envelopes to AREJAY59

K here we are!! This thread is for Newbie information and questions, No scrambles on this thread...

To get your free seeds

Be Sure to put your dmail name and a note of wants in your envie, along with return name and address

Address exchange is here
You have to add your information to be able to access everyone else's

Please feel free to Dmail Arejay59 with questions

Many of us "oldies" and some Newbies would like to share our seeds with those of you new to Dave's. By new, we mean you joined in the last 8 months(or so) and are a paying member.
Send me a SASBE (Self addressed, stamped bubble envelope) and we'll send you 10 packets of seeds. (Usually more, depends on our stash) That's all there is to it. Let us know you are sending your envy.

Just Dmail Arejay59 with 'Sent Envie Today' in the subject. You will get a good variety of good seeds.

***Mail your SASBE to Arejay59***

If you can, stick a note in your envy and tell me they types of things you like. Veggies and Flowers, some seeds you are looking for, stuff like that. It will help me fill your envy. I can't always get just what you ask for, but will try.

Postage keeps going up so now we need five usually,

Send 5 stamps and an address label with your name on it.
4 of the stamps will go back on your return envy, the extra will go into the "pot" I don't use it for personal use, but it helps when some mail comes with postage due and when the "oldies" send boxes of seeds sometimes there is postage due.
Best thing to do is just send me an empty bubble envy with your label and stamps inside. I can use that same envy to send your seeds back. Saves that envy!!
Also, if you will scotch tape the envy to send to me, I can use the self adhesive and won't destroy your envy pulling them open when I get them.
Please make sure you put enough stamps on your envelope you send to me. An empty bubble envy is at least 84 cents, so two stamps. If you are sending seeds, it's more of course.


I am in the address exchange, so you know where to send the envy. If you can't find it, just d mail and I'll shoot it right to you. At the top of your home page, you'll see the link "EXTRA'S" ,Go into that link, scroll down and you'll see the address exchange this goes to the exchange you have to add yourself to the exchange then you can get my address.

Oldies! lol If you would like to donate seeds, it would be great.!! I know how much I loved it when I was new and someone sent me seeds to get me started. Now I want to pay it forward and maybe you would too.

For those of you who would like to help the newbies, but just don't have a lot of seed, if you would like to trade for seeds, that is great as well. Send seeds for the newbies and I will send you the same amount back. Put a note in with your DG name and let me know what you are looking for also.
Happy Gardening Everyone,

Be sure to check out the newest newbie games...Word Scrambles...Winners every week... Great Plants are being won every Week!! Come one over to the Seed Junkie Chit Chat Thread and hang out with the rest of us 'Seed Junkies'!

To The Seed Junkie Chit Chat Thread :

This message was edited Aug 19, 2009 8:28 AM

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Newbies, feel free to leave your questions and comments.. and even your introductions here!

Are you new to gardening, or just new to DG? What kind of plant or seed interests do you have? What are your garden plans?

C'mon and share with us, we'd love to hear all about it!

This message was edited Aug 20, 2009 7:55 AM

Spooner, WI

Ok, I'm a newbie, and am newly addicted to DG! Thanks to everyone on here for making this an amazing place!

My question is about Morning Glories. I have a wonderful DG member sending me some seed, but I've never grown it. There is a big, white fence that runs north-south, and needs some things planted on the east side to climb it. Currently, there are a couple of lilies and iris, but a lot of weeds too (It's on my "I'll get to it some time this summer, maybe" list). I just read that MG reseed themselves! YIPPEE! I thought I was going to have to collect and re-sow every year. Will they reseed even in my cold climate?

Also, the fence is vertical boards that are painted white, but rough. Do the MG need something better to hold on to, or will they find their way up the boards on their own?


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

shot answer: yes, they will reseed. might be a good idea to mark off/designate/edge the area tpu plant them along the fence so that they can freely reseed there and then mow over whatever grows outside their boundary. I know they are on the invasive plant list here, but im not sure youd have that problem as far north as you are.

Spooner, WI

Well, the fence is behind a sidewalk (1-3-feet of soil between the sidewalk & the fence at an angle). And there's a driveway in front of the sidewalk. Think 3-feet of cement and 10 feet of gravel driveway will keep them in check? lol

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm alot farther south from you, and I get 2 or 3 volunteer MGs a year, and that is all. I wish they would reseed more. So, unless I'm just unlucky in MG growing, I don't think you'll have a problem with them taking over.


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

you'll be fine ptilda! here, we have this problem with them popping up everywhere...LOL.. almost weedlike. but still.. a purdy weed

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Ladies I hate to tell you ,even though I have trouble getting them to grow but be wise and save seed from them cause sometimes they will not reseed enough to get anything from them. The reason I say this is my sister can grow MGs out the butt and she has to resow just about every year. She does get a few to come up each year voluntaryly but don't amount to much. Here in our zones they will freeze most of the times and won't come back.
ptilda, you especially will most likely have to resow each year because of your zonal area.

Hi Ptilda

Welcome to Daves. Glad to have you. I grew them up a fence one summer in FL. They will need some kind of support or they'll just trail along the ground. You could wrap them around a stake until they get to the top and then they'd hang off the sides. If you go here you'll see Debra's morning glory off to the left side. She's using a support for it to twine upwards.

She has some beautiful ones and might answer your questions.

Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Ok, I will go ahead and confess, I am a newbie and hooked on daves , I have been watching you guys for 5 years and finally decided I needed to pay up so I could join in on the forums/trades and did so in July this year. I live in Tenn zone 7a and love the shade loving plants but have lots of sun lovers also.. My property is part woods and so I have turned that section into a natural woodland garden. My hopes are to add more plants with color that can tolerate part to full shade. You wont believe some of the stuff I have planted with good results in the shade.. I will send a SASE this week and in a few months I will return the favor with seeds to share.. You all are great and I look forward to being involved in all the excitement here at Daves garden

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Welcome sisdj! Our latest exciting thread is here:

Come on over and join in the fun . . .

Kelly (loca)

Peoria, IL(Zone 5a)

I am a Hosta and shade perennial junkie with over 500 pots of plants sitting on my driveway now and more being added to it almost everyday. It is an addiction. Wednesday I am donating about 100 of them and the time to plant them to a local Memory Garden at The University of Illinois School of Medicine at Peoria.

I have a question on the free seed thingy. Are there Hosta seeds available? I am very into Dwarfs and Giants. Rippled edges and Blues. The list goes on and on!

I am also into ornamental trees, ornamental shrubs, ornamental grasses, Alocasias & Calocasias.

I have been on DG for about a month now and have one trade done with 3 more going out on monday. Is it proper ettiquite to ask for trades in plant specific forums? I have just been finding people through trade lists but I am now seeing that not everyone that does trade uses their trade list option. I got here too late to get in on all of the group trades in the Hosta forum.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi, Frank!

When you send for your newbie seeds, send a "wish list" to Robin. She has a lot of seeds and may just have what you're looking for!

Welcome! Come join us on our chat thread and introduce yourself!

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