Weird Weather of '09 #13

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We came from here

Thumbnail by zhinu
Eugene, OR

Pleasant here today high 78, dreading the coming heat. Why does it have to go to 95? LOL

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Changed to new tread, got distracted and forgot what I was going to say O well must not have been important or I will think of it later. LOL

So Hi ^_^

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I wish there was a way we could cap it at 80 degrees... that's plenty warm enough!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Sorry - I was wishing for some heat this August: I need it for the Eggplant, peppers & tomatillos.
Just think - you'll get approximately 11 months of cooler weather!

Eugene, OR

Well, they would have done fine today at 95, it wasn't supposed to get that hot until Wednesday. And I've got mulch that needs spreading. It will wait til morning, I don't shovel well in the heat.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I don't do ANYTHING well in the heat. ") Today mid 90's here with about 80% humidity. Another day spent inside in the AC.

Eugene, OR

Had to take my sis to the airport at 4 a.m.,( it was 68 deg.) they issued a heat advisory alert until 10 p.m. I decided I'm taking a day off. Inside with the AC!!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

You people west of me are having it nice. I went through snow bringing my new motorcyle home from Bozeman on Sunday in Anaconda, MT. I had hoped for a nice warm August ride home but NO, I had to stop at 3 hot springs just to keep warm. This is Phillipsburg where I stopped for a warm up coffee.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Eugene, OR

Beautiful building Sofer, it's got character. Are you kidding about the snow? It was 95 deg. today, higher tomorrow. I know you enjoyed the hot springs and the ride. What did you get?

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Snow is NOT the way to initiate a bike! I can't even imagine temps that cool right now. I am very glad that if I have to work, at least the inside part is in AC! I am curious too...what is your new ride?

Eugene, OR

99 deg so far. This is awful, everything outside is drooping! Watered good this morning, but just too hot. DH went to town and the car thermometer hit 101. Not fit for man nor beast (or plants).

Eugene, OR

Now a neighbor just came to let me know the phones are out. Happens every time it gets hot. Charging up a cell to take to my mom in case she needs me. This is the pits.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

The weather channel states that is 98 here, I can't breath outside so I think it is hotter than that!
Guess I will go get the mail and bring in the cans (trash day tody) when it gets dark and hopefully cooler. Yuck!
Watering first daylight. Geeze I hate this stuff. Can't get a thing done. I officially have an empty nest today and was hoping to get a lot of things done. Maybe tomorrow as it is suppose to be cooler.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

You know I would not lie. Snow in the Pintlar loop off I-90. I got a BMW F650 GS. It is a dual purpose bike so I can travel the highways of Montana and ride the 2 track mountain passes to see the state like I never could. Many passes that a car cannot cross in the many mountain ranges of Montana. Some good fly fishing streams waiting to be had.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Eugene, OR

Nice Sofer, sounds like you'll get good use of it. As for the "I would not lie"'ve been known to add a fantasy or two. LOL

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Most people think I add fantasy but I have been blessed to experience many things in life that have made it so much more full. The only fantasy I add is to describe my feelings with the magic of earth.

Eugene, OR

I was thinking about the trip you "took" to the tropical islands in the middle of winter. That was fun to look at while we were deep in snow. LOL

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Oh yes maybe the trip to those Islands was a little stretch of reality. Coos Coos Islands in the Indian Ocean. Yes that was a pleasant trip of the mind.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Eugene, OR

For all of us. As I remember it was when we were all getting cabin fever because winter was lasting so long. Beautiful place, I did look it up.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Okay, all this rain is ticking me off. Where's our Indian Summer? I have work to do, dangit! I don't mind working in light rain, but for crying out loud, I'd drown if I tried to work out there right now.

2009 wins the "Crappy Weather Extremes" award.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I can't believe how dark it was and how hard it was raining about half an hour ago!! have a few blue patches now...sounds like that is suppose to be the pattern for today. Sounds like a good day to clear out a corner of the studio and paint for awhile.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Pony - I, too, am p*ssed off. I have way too much to accomplish this weekend & time is growing short. Soon there won't be enough light left when i get home from work. I fear there will be no Indian Summer this year, and trying hard to be so grateful for the summer we've had. Thank God it wasn't like 2008.
It is sheeting down my driveway right now - Amber even came inside - when it's too wet for a Lab, it's just too wet! Need wetsuit.
Light rain is soothing - this is plain irritating, especially since our Autumns are reliably wet. So sorry for anyone that had planned a Barbecue for today...

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Oh southwest of me is experiencing blue skies?
Then I remain hopeful to see blue patches in a while.
Giant Squeegee could wipe away this mass of clouds in one swoop; if only...

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Had some thunder down here a little while ago. *sigh*

I've got a half-dug bed that needs finishing, and piles and piles of plants that need to go in it the minute its done. Not to mention I really need to make another raised bed for the other color group of waiting plants, and haven't even got enough rocks/concrete yet. Argh.

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

"A massive fall like storm is bringing in cooler temperatures, gusty winds and rain in time for the Holiday weekend. On Sunday, expect cooler weather with a chance of showers to arrive early and possible snow in the mountains."


Oh's freezing today..I'm repotting roses anyway.


(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Whoever is in charge of the weather this year is FIRED.


Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I agree! I have all of those goodies from Pixy's to take care of today. Dang the weather.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)


Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Somebody turn the faucet off, PLEASE!!!!!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I KNOW! Gawd, I just about drowned going to the danged grocery store! I think I need pontoons on my truck now or it'll sink... Gaaaaaah!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Run out - run in. Run out - run in. All day long.
I did make 2 trips for gravel. Both times the weather was dry when they loaded me up. Both times it was raining by the time I got home! Hope I don't have to go anywhere tonight, LOL! 2nd load is still in the back of the truck.
Plus, I stopped by a nursery & picked up a couple more Agastaches: 'Shaniko'.
yeehaw - rain stopped! Back outside for Poop Patrol!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Well, supposedly we're going to have better weather from Tuesday through next weekend. They'd better be right, or I'm gonna go berserker on the Weather Gods. ***Battle Cry***

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

It wouldn't be so bad if it would just decide to rain or not to rain. There is nothing more frustrating than coming inside because you are soaked, drying off, seeing the rain stop, gearing back up in your wet clothes, going back outside....just to have it start to dump the minute you get yourself set up to do something.

My one MUST DO chore yesterday was to pick my plums that should have been picked before roundup weekend. Note to self....morning after torrential downpour is not the best time to have a tree full of plums to pick....

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Rach and I went to Windcliff on Saturday. It was wet here, so I was way overdressed. Had a beautiful day on the Peninsula.

Headed over the pass to Ellensburg today to pick up my dog -- made it over without rain, though the roads were wet. But coming back was exciting. Lots of standing water and POURING rain from Cle Ellum to the pass and then from Lake Kachess to North Bend. Too exciting for me . . . especially with everybody zipping around with their big trucks and trailers throwing water around. I don't think they realize how much water they throw on everybody they cut in front of. Grrrr. Happy to be home.

It was nice this afternoon, but now it's thundering and darkness is falling fast. I bought a 3-movie set of Doris Day and Rock Hudson last week. Mmmmmm. Just a little popcorn, a blanket and a clean dog to cuddle with in front of the movie. I'll be in Heaven (at least before I fall asleep). :-)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Katye, that is such back breaking work. Take it easy.
Katy59, sounds like you and Rachel had fun on the Peninsula.
Glad you made it home from Ellensburg ok, the weather is terrible. It rained buckets here most of the day. We had a limb come down by the house, it's that time of year again.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL where on the Peninsula, where you ??? totally not on my side LOL I sat here and watch my drive flood, was cool I could see how the water runs and where it goes. DH did a good job on the leveling in and the drain pipe.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Here i so carefully left off watering my tomatoes so they could ripen and not split. Not much hope for that now, and no time to process split tomatoes into sauce either. * sigh*

On the positive side, I saw a beautiful, full arch of rainbow over the Sound today on my way home.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yesterday . . . =we went from Kingston to Indianola and then back to Kingston for a quick lunch and then made a quick trip to Dragonfly. It rained at your house yesterday, Mary? Glad it didn't pose any problems.

Holly, I can't help but think a rainbow is a good portent!

Eugene, OR

Boy you are getting it worse than we are. Had rain yesterday off and on. Rained during the night, was really windy this afternoon and we had one really hard downpour early, but then it was just yucky but dry the rest.

Hoping for dry tomorrow, we're having a big picnic where we live.

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