Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I don't know what I was thinking when I bought these. Evidently not too much.

I have the shovel and the pot.

It's the cactus.


Thumbnail by Happy_1
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

The other one.

They were so tiny when I got them. You know how is goes.

Thumbnail by Happy_1
Mulberry, FL

I have a couple customers that have these they get huge and the shark teeth I'm bleeding everytime I get near. I'd do the right thing give them the hatchet

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Oh, that is soooo tempting.

Mulberry, FL

trust me do your self a favor they are a neat color but thost teeth are mighty sharp put it buy a bed room window . Won't anyone pass threw it if they did they wouldn't be quiet about it lol. New Green Burglar protection!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


I actually thought of that, but then couldn't clean the windows. But that really is not a problem here. LOL


Sealy, TX

I'll take it off your hands! I'm in zone 8b - do you think it would do okay here? I have 8 acres I'm trying to "fix up" and have lots of places for "huge"! LOL!!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


They are just too big to mail.

But you could come here and get them.... I have a spare room....

Sealy, TX

LOL!! I have a friend that lives in ??? FL - I can never remember the name of the town. That would be a fun trip, huh? What are you going to do with it?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I'm strongly considering digging it up, taking them back to the seller. Maybe they will give me credit for something else. At least the plants won't be garbage.


Mulberry, FL

There you go best idea yet you get something back for it. I actally have one of these its were I don't have to do anything they get so big I 'm talking years and years and after there huge they send up a stalk like a pole it goes like 30 feet not kidding and then it dies check it out should tell some were that it does this. Mine did and another one I watched at the park did too. Then it has to be cut done and dragged off real job for those people

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I have seen them bloom and they are outstanding. But think they belong out of my yard. LOL

Mulberry, FL

trust me I know :)

Janice~ Gulf Coast, MS(Zone 9a)

Happy~ Maybe ask at the place where you got them from, maybe they will pay more for them since they are so large now.. When I saw your picture I thought oh thats very pretty.. But then read down the thread and NO way do I need a plant with shark teeth.. Geesh I wonder what in the world was eating this plant at one time that it decided to grow such sharp "teeth"

Dana~ That is so sad.. Do you have a name for that plant/shrub/tree.. I wonder if you chopped down the pole what would happen? Im sure most wouldn't know that was about to happen once the pole went up... Especially after years and years of it being established... Strange

Mulberry, FL

No thats what the plant does it flowers and it dies not a good looking flower either more like jack and the bean stalk lol

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

Just curious...

have any of you tried to dig a large one have a tap root that goes to hades...straight not pass keeps have to kill this root to actually get rid of this thing...nope...not will think it's gone but, will be back lol...(I've tryed posion on the root, stump killer, burning, digging, digging, digging and digging lol)

They don't tell you all this when you buy the cute little thing...I moved in with some already here but, I knew the previous owner and she had tried for years and I still have 2 that just won't go and I've had the place 4 years and am still digging... lots of luck

oooooopppppssss now you won't even be able to give the thing away...

it's lived here through a huricane, 100+ since 1May and the worst draught since 1887...that thing ain't going to you have a zero scape and room for it great but, wow...otherwise you're stuck...even if you dig it up...

Should I introduce myself now so you can hate know it's not funny honey...I do understand your plite...this is one of those times where they need to come with a warning lable...plant from he..

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

These have not been in the ground that long, hopefully. But, out they come now before they get too comfortable. Thanks for the warning.

Just thought. Think that they will be returned in the dark of night and planted in this person's yard. hehehe


Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

lol sorry thought you or someone else would want to know...they really are great if you have the space and are zero scaping but, you've got them for life if they get walked out and just laughed looking at mine after writing that...I think it was standing up a little prouder...I think it it was mocking

Seriously...If someone wanted it it would be a great coo...they aren't cheep at that size...they just better really want it and if you want it gone don't wait too long...

Big hugs,


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Jamie.


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Those look like century plants, and yes they get huge. Like 10 - 15 feet across. They grow wild here in Texas, and yes they have teeth! Wicked ones!

Something that lives so long and does so well should have a plus side. Does it have medicinal value or food value? Maybe it could be a renewable source of food? Looks like you'd have to harvest it before the leaves grew like daggers.

(P.S. To anyone reading this thread...this does not mean this plant is edible! Do NOT eat it ! is that for a disclaimer??? LOL)


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Not only do the leaves end in daggers, there are needles all along the edge. I swear that when I'm near it, it reaches out to stab me. Both of them do it. They obviously, " want to be left alone!"


Mulberry, FL

Told u as the plant gets bigger they become sharks teeth lol. I have another plant here looks like pineapple plant but its not. It has jaggers like fish hooks all along the edges of leaf one time of year it turns bright red and a white very unusal it puts of what looks like cables and more grow of the cables this is how it spreads. Ok now when you get around one of these the hooks go in your skin and turns so it doesn't just come thru pulls your skin this is just as bad if not worse lol Some one on the market place is selling this buyer beware!

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

I know the flowers can be stuffed and roasted and eaten like a yucca flower but, then the plant withers and dies (would be nice wouldn't it) but (yes another but ;o)), this happens like in 100 years or something odd like that. I think, some where in the back of my mind, the leave (if you dare touch them) can be harvested (would make for a darned ugly plant), the teeth and tip removed and dried and they become quite fiberous. Then you strip them into one inch strips and can be woven into baskets and such but, there are alot better and easier things to do for basket and weaving material than that. I live right on the Mex border and there are alot of second and third generation people here so you learn allot but, no body likes this stuff unless they zero scape...this year I think allot are looking at it because we are having the worst draught since 1887 but, I haven't seen anyone rush to plant

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info on making baskets. Walmart here I come!!

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

lol...I'll be the little red car behind you in the parking lot!

LOL; you guys are funny...even w/ a crazy plant like this.

I certainly wouldn't want to grow it unless I lived in an area where drug addicts and gangs wouldn't leave people alone. Sounds like a good security plant, if you dare.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Actually, some types of cacti are used for just that in Miami. Rough places there.

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

Personally, I'd use a good bougenvilla (sure I spelled that wrong) for that! Beautiful and spike like iron!...about 2-3 inches long! nasty little suckers but covered with the most beautiful blooms and can either vine or be trimed into a bush or hedge and zero care is needed. Just DON"T get stuck in

What does it say about me that I am such and expert on tourturous plants...hhhhhhhuuuuuuummmmmmmm....I wonder if my insurance still covers therapists....

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I have a thornless one......hehe


Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

I didn't know there was such a you know what it's called?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

A thornless bougie? A varigata of sorts.

It has orange flowers. Bright orange.

Thumbnail by Happy_1
Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

WoW I have a friend that has a spot she doesn't want to tend but, also doesn't want to mow etc. around the bougie thorns and THAT would be perfect! Thanks! Even the folage is pretty!



Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

The camera is not the greatest so it does not show the true bright colors of the leaves.


Huntersville, NC

Hi there!

I think I know a DG member, in Flordia - who may be interested in your plants . . .let me get busy!

ok I sent them a link to this. Good Luck

btw - cant these be wrapped in heavy cloth to dig up and move around??
Until you figure what you want to do you may want to seriously consider digger them up - and keeping in a pot, container or garbage bag. Better than letting them get rooted.

you may also want to consider posting this in the cacti forum.
maybe under the words of FREE Cacti . . .
I should think in that forum many would know about the growth habits, needs and care of that plant.

again Good Luck!

This message was edited Aug 28, 2009 5:54 PM

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

Didn't even know we had a cacti's a smart woman!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


I still have the pot that the big one was in. It has not been in the ground long. The smaller blue one is still in it's pot, although in the ground. I am planning to have the DH dig them up tomorrow. (Don't tell him anyone!)

I will post on the cacti form.



Huntersville, NC

Hey Happy did posting to the Cacti forum send some takers your way??

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Just got back from va-cay, and to answer you, NOBODY want these monsters. My DH will be on the shovel this weekend and then off to parts unknown!


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