Dividing Heuchera

Spooner, WI

Stupid question, but how do you divide Heuchera? Where is the "eye" (excuse my Hosta lingo), and how can you make sure that enough root is on the plant?

Also, how easy are seeds? Any tricks? Do they grow true to form?

I have divided Heuchera a couple of times in the past but only the 'Palace Purple' variety since it's the hardiest one I've had experience with. I would only divide a plant that looks like it has more than one cluster of leaves and then only when the main stem has branched underground. Then I know there are enough roots to support the division. I just use my pruners to cut off the branch and then replant both pieces. Keep them both moist but not overly-wet to re-establish. I always wondered if a dip in rooting hormone would help but have never tried it. That one does self-seed every year. The originals were started from seed from Park's years ago but I haven't started any from seed since then - doesn't seem to be a lot available commercially or I'm just not looking in the right place. The seedlings tend to have a little more orange color to them and aren't quite as purple but then the original plants didn't have a really deep purple color either. Some of the color variations can be interesting.

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

Haven't had to divide Palace Purple, since I get lots of little seedlings popping up around them. Mine were originally from Park's as well, but I think they should have been called 'Palace Brown' instead.

DonShirer - Well, I do have to agree with you on the color of the seedlings. They do have a much "warmer" tone to them. They do make a different color statement but I figure I'm starting my own trend. :) I do have one seedling (haven't moved it yet) that's a brick red color - quite bright for one of those seedlings. I'm wondering if it's just the more alkaline soil (between cement block foundation and cement walk) that's affecting the color. Almost afraid to move it in case the color changes.
I had to dig up an older "seedling" yesterday to do some other work. What a giant root system on that one. With all of the root branching, I got 5 divisions out of it.

Athens, PA

Dividing heuchera is easy. Here are several links and videos on dividing heuchs. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1027912/

I do think that Spring is probably a better time of year to take the heuchera divisions, especially for us Northerners. This gives the divisions enough time to become established before having to deal with the harshness of winter.

Carolyn - You're probably right about that since Heucheras like to "heave" anyway.

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