Kalopanax pictus (castor aralia) seed wanted

Toronto, ON(Zone 6b)

Hello All, I tried this request in the seed wanted forum... no response. I thought it better to go directly to others who might be as obsessed as I am. I don't need a whole bunch of seed, I just want to end up with a few trees. Robb.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If you can't find someone with seeds, Forest Farm sells them (plants not seeds) I think they'll ship to Canada if you pay for a phyto certificate but I have no idea if the cost on those is reasonable or not. http://davesgarden.com/products/ps/go/80189/

Toronto, ON(Zone 6b)

ecrane3, I tried that last fall. After a month in customs in Vancouver they were delivered... too late to put them out so I put one out in a styrofoam container, the other 2 stayed in a cool corner of the basement. The ones in the basement came out of dormancy early and I had them under lights but I think it was too warm; they were never vigorous and eventually died. The one that was outside never leafed out. The three seedlings from Forest Farm ended up costing about $70.00. I am hoping I can get some seed... I think I would be better off. Thanks, Robb

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