greenhouse and bugs

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have a hybrid greenhouse, not all glass, and had brugs and ee's in there last year and spider mites were in 7th heaven.
Do any of you set of bombs, or sprays before returning plants in the fall?
I have emptied the room as much as possible (all living things), it is free standing so I don't have to worry about it getting in the house or anything.
Thank you for your help.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I keep a fan going, which helps with all bugs in my greenhouse - might not be the answer to your problem, but it works for me.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Borrow some chickens?

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Don't spider mites like it reallllllly dry? I'm kind of surprised they liked your gh, assuming that it was pretty humid for your tropicals.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't have the answer to the reason I don't have them, except that I run the fan - beats me - maybe I have them and just don't know it!

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

LOL - I think you'd know, on this one. They really make your plants look bad.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I grow Brugmansias and Plumeria in the ground, so I'm all too familiar with spider mites - I use horticulural oil and dish soap on them - they LOVE our humid Florida weather.

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

I read somewhere it's a good idea to remove all plants from the greenhouse, then spray it down inside with water- get it really wet. Then, close it up tight for at least 2 weeks. It's supposed to kill off all the bugs.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

But not the Bermuda grass, grrr.....

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

DH calls it wiregrass, creeps along everywhere!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Can't spray it down with water because it has insulation, dropped ceiling and all that good stuff. It is a hybrid greenhouse. Class on south east, south, southwest, with normal walls and insulation for our wonderul 0 and below temps....otherwise couldn't afford to heat it.
Someone suggested a house bug bomb, worth a try. Long as I don't have to be in there for awhile.
Not against sprays just used very very sparingly.

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

Oh! I misunderstood. When you said not all glass I thought you meant the rest was plastic.
I think I saw the photos of your greenhouse before, actually looks like part of the house, right?
I'd probably go with the bug bomb too.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

It is free standing but looks like a small room of a house, or a over glorified shed....LOL

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