CLOSED: Portulaca Toucan for trade

Spring, TX

I couldn't find any vendors selling small packets of the mixed seeds for these, but I absolutely HAD to have some, so I ended up buying packages of 100 of each color (yellow, scarlet and fuchsia), which is WAY more than I can use. I'm hoping to trade some the seeds away, either mixed colors or single colors, just let me know what you prefer. I think quantities of 25 is how they're usually packaged.

Re trades: I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for, so any suggestions would be welcome. I like flowering annuals, and have planted a bunch of salvias this year, which I've loved. Come to think of it, I'd love some Salvia Hot Lips if anyone has seeds to trade. I've been trying some veggies as well, with mixed success - seeds for tomatoes such as Cherokee Purple, Juliet or Sungold would also be great.

I'm in Zone 8.

This message was edited Aug 15, 2009 10:59 AM

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