YIKES! There is a mole in my worm bin!!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

And my worms are disappearing at an alarming rate.
He cute, but he's gotta go - how do you get rid of moles?


My worm bin is like a high sided raised bed and sits straight on the ground.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Dovey, I had a vole in my compost bin--not a mole--but I tried putting peppermint into my compost bins, and it seems to have worked. At least, I don't see any little rodents when I go out to toss my compost. You can purchase peppermint mouse repellant at:
I also have mint growing in my garden and I pull up the extras and put them in my compost bins.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I have mint growing, I'll give it a try. Maybe the smell it repel it, since moles don't eat plants.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

We put wire mesh on the bottom of the worm/compost bin to prevent moles from tunneling up to eat the worms. They ate all our worms one winter so we took preventative action after that. Peppermint repels most rodents. Let us know how it works on the mole.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

I would be cautious of putting mint in the compost because it is so invasive. If it survives you could have a mess on your hands when you spread your cocompost. I grow mine in pots and it still gets away from me.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Michael, the way to keep an obedient mint is to pull it back by the roots to its designated area. I have grown mints in the ground for years and they have never become invasive. Mint roots are fairly close to the surface. (Raspberries and blackberries are another matter) Are you cutting yours off at the stem or ignoring them? Mints are like border collies - energetic and liking travel and need training. They'll be faithful garden companions.

dovey, you can always make mint tea for the compost, use EM to make a mint extract or use peppermint oil in the compost.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Like Border collies - LOL!
also similar to toddlers.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I never got around to the mint.

I've learned where there is one mole they is sure to be two... then three... then five...
I also learned that soon after there will be no worms where there used to be squirmy globs of them.

My sister was visiting and between her, me and the dog we managed to kill the mole (it was like a scene from psycho, minus the shower curtain)
Two days later I was out dumping scraps into the bin and there was another one... scene from psycho without the shower curtain, sister or dog. I did the deed myself.
A few days later my sister and I went armed with pitchforks, pulled back the cover and the bin was alive with moles, they all managed to escape our frantic pitchfork jabbing. (more like a scene from I Love Lucy)

Hubby and I shoveled everything out of the bin, put it into the garden, lined the bottom with wire mesh and started over.

It's a disappointment, but I'm sure the worm population with quickly return, squirmy as ever.


Sure thing as true as God made little green apples those worms will return when the compost process is cool enough for them to be comfortable.

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