Question on pruning

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hi everyone, its pruning season here, need your advice on some plants.
Citrus trees, do they need to be pruned? and white grapes. i recently bought one here locally, have absolutely no idea what type, but i think its white. i know i should prune it, but how much?

Xai Xai, Mozambique

oh, and i have a question on impatiens walleriana. i know a lady who has 1 plant for years, it doesn't go to seed. if mine goes to seed, which it has started to, will it die?

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

We have impatients here that go to seed but still seem to keep going....trying to be thrifty as plants cost so much here, I take cuttings from them and they are one plant that I seem to have sucess with - if I can keep ahead of the whitefly....

I just can't seem to grow the New Guinea type though - I routinely kill them and I have no idea how I do it. Anyone else have this problem?

Keaau, HI

On Citrus, cut branches that are hanging downward; leave branches that are holding upwards.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, N.Guinea...just can't keep them happy ...

Xai Xai, Mozambique

i have tried N. Guinea 6 times, and everytime they die. i have tried so many different types of soil, sunlight, and how much water they get. but each time they die.
thanks for the advice, if i see that my impatiens are starting to die, i will be sure to take cuttings. impatiens is also one plant i seem to be doing well with.
i think i am good on my citrus trees then, i'll just go check.
and the grapevine?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Same here. It's made me wonder if it might be a high altitude plant.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I hope you are right Randy, that would make me feel better. I'm like Jenny, can't keep the N.G. type alive to save my soul.


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