Container Renovations 7! (smile)

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I can't wait to see what this one looks like when it grows up! Gerber Daisy, Dwarf Mondo Grass, Lime Coleus and Purple Petunias

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Renovated a few pots with annuals. I just cant bring myself to yank the Caladiums, so I planted around them with Salvia. I'll add something else when they expire on their own.

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I planted this guy a few months ago...but it's just the prettiest color Bouganvillea...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Gave this little guy a renovation too! Planted a backdrop of "string of banana's" to show off the Ghost plant! I love succulents!

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I found another Stacking planter. Replanted both with herbs. Did the top layers with foxtail ferns, petunias and lantana...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Talk about Lantana!!! I had so many butterflies in my yard. I need to get more!

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

My pal Hetty (Plumeria Queen) from my Florida Gardening thread gave me the most incredible Plumeria. I'm just amazed at how these plants bloom. Once they start, it's constant. They are so exquisite and beautiful - this one also smells incredible! This could become an addiction.

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm not an Orchid Person...but I have a few that are so beautiful. I have these hanging on a tree on my Lanai. They get a shot of water on the roots when I'm watering the plants and the odd shot of Miracle Gro. I'm afraid to actually pay attention to them as they may take a turn! hehe. I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.

Vanda Blue Sensei...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't know the name of this one, but it's another Vanda and it's HUGE and beautiful...

Thumbnail by KatG
Orange, CA

Your flower talent is incredible --and inspiring --I want to run outside and start digging. Thanks for sharing with these beautiful pictures.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh thank you so much Snowtop! When you eventually get out there and dig, you've got to share! Come back and post!


Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello everyone,
Well it is official, we will be moving to Texas. My dh goes down on Monday and then we will join him hopefully by the first of January. I get to go from 7b to 8a. I'm trying really hard to get to 9 or 10 so that my dh doesn't have to complain about all the plants iln the house making a mess. lol Thanks to everyone Tina

San Antonio, TX

Welcome to Texas Tina! You'll love it. I'm in San Antonio - great place to live - come on down.
Happy Thanksgiving you all.

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the welcome, I can't wait to get there. I'll be moving on the 2nd of January. Hopefully the weather is much better than it is now. I will be leaving some plants with a friend but this time I will eventually get them all home again.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh Tina! Now that's good news!

Next thing I'll know, you'll be living South of me! 5:00pm Margarita's? hehe

Good Luck with the move!


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I have major zone envy with you and the others who are 6 and above.
As I sit here typing and looking out a window at a foot of snow and a high of -25/c
Ohh what a lovely break!
Thank you

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

I know exactly how you feel. Last year I was living in North Dakota getting ready to move to Oklahoma and now I'm moving again to Texas. To be honest I kind of miss the cold, but not that much. LOL I really wanted a greenhouse when I lived there. I think that would be such a lovely thing to do during the long cold days of winter, to be able to sit in your gh and watch winter from a warm and humid place.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

That is why I look at my computer and all of the lovely photo's on this thread. It would cost me an arm and a leg to heat my greenhouse all winter!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

me too

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't know about everybody else, but it just seems that Christmas is coming so fast! I've been so busy doing stuff that it was only yesterday I had a chance to put up some decorations. My heart wasn't into it and I spent and hour and half trying to straighten some skinny old tree! Gotta say that a bloody Mary and some nice Christmas songs on Pandora settled the mood and I now have some Christmas spirit!

I have a real big tree and left it in the garage...put up these two little guys in my living room...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I did a couple of Christmas containers in the entrance...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

A couple of small trees in the foyer...

This message was edited Dec 14, 2009 11:42 PM

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I rigged these up to have fountains and trees...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

And that is it! Enough decorating!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Thats ALL ?

not bad for someone who had no spirit.

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

WOW, I'm tired just looking at it. You sure were working hard with no Christmas spirit. Lol Your house looks fantastic.

San Antonio, TX

Your house and decorations are lovely!

I'm ready......what time's the party?

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Kat, you do such a wonderful job! It ALWAYS loks gorgeous! Merry Christmas to all!


Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Well I've moved once again and this time I was able to bring most of my plants with me to Texas. I had to rent a van to do it but they are all here wlith me now. I have some major repotting to do as well as gettting some new ones started so I'm looking forward to doing that. Tina

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

So glad that you are getting settled in!

Our plants that are in the ground really took a hit during our week long freeze!
Hopefully some of them will come back in the Spring. I had been sick, so wasn't able to go cover them. Most everything in pots were moved under the patio before it snowed. My Son hung plastic so they'll be OK.

Last year we lost 10 banana trees when it snowed. Whatever dies out completely is getting replaced with Hardy Hibiscus!!!!

Tina, good luck and Best Wishes in your new location!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Check it out!


Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

I have a huge monstera that i need to prune, but I'm scared to do it. Has anyone ever pruned theirs and how did you do it? Did you root the cutting and how did it do? Thanks Tina

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Wow, what an inspirational thread!! I bow down to all you container planting masters!

I have a question for you KatG... are those very tall straight terracotta planters with the bougainvillea in them actual pots or are they chimney pipes? They are absolutely smashing!

Susan in Tn

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi all,
Has anyone tried growing containers in just worm casings? Please let me know what your results are.
Thanks Tina

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Susan...those are actual pots, but they do look a lot like chimney pipes! These are about 24" hight and 10" wide.

Tina...I've used some worm castings in the past but only mixed it in. Things grow fantastic. I've been looking at the "worm factory" where I can make my own! It's a cool system.''


Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Before you buy from them check out the wormdude's website, he has a mountain full of information. That's where I got all of my worms and worm stuff from. He is also willing to answer any and all questions that you might have.


Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Tina...I'll check them out!

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok everyone,
I have replanted some of my plants into castings, 1/2 castings and potting soil, and then potting soil with a tblsp of castings. I will be taking pictures and posting later.


Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

KatG - how's the worm factory?

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

KatG any updated pictures for us. This is where I come when I need a lift. Your gardens are so cool. Love your lizzard lounge.

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