asarina vine no blooms at all-lots of foliage

Idaho Falls, ID

I got the seeds from select seeds, they call it Asarina - Creeping Gloxinia 'Satin Slippers'
Asarina scandens. The seedlings were incredibly sensitive to being even close to dry-I killed quite a few. When I took one of the remaining (big by now) plants outside & put it in the sunshine-high up so it could tumble down the railing & side of the steps, it already (I mean while inside)had it's first blossom (and only). I wanted more, so hoped going from an eastern window to an eastern spot outside (with afternoon shade & some protection from wind etc) it would go crazy. it has, but not by blooming. It puts out new tendrils (vines?) and each grow longer & faster daily-BUT no blooms. I water daily (we are very arid, and it's in a clay pot, and quite honestly, I'm afraid to let it go dry. I have have fertilized twice, with Miracle Gro bloom buster...first used a weak solution, then full stregnth.

What am I doing wrong? It's not an annual technically I guess, but in zone 4-5 it will be if I don't bring it in. I would love to have a reason to.

Help!I have two others still insidethe house --no blooms either. Thanks Diane

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I'd like to know too...I've got both the Lavender and the White...several plants of each, grown from seed, and some are in the ground and some in pots. Get morning sun, midday shade, afternoon sun. Directions said full sun, but the one I do have in really full sun is not looking so good. I've also used the bloom buster on it.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I'm learning that on some vines, they won't start blooming as long as they are still climbing .. you might try cutting the tip off of one growing stem so the laterals start growing and see if that helps.


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I've been pinching them and getting lateral growth....thinking the same thing...maybe I need to do more ?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I don't know .. I'm just guessing at it my self.


Idaho Falls, ID

Ok, have tried this as of just now. I cut 10 inches off all the vines, noticed I had one (hey-that makes two! There was one blossom the day I took the same plant out doors, thinking maybe it need more light. We'll see now! Maybe. Thanks for the idea!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm not sure when they are supposed to bloom, but mine didn't start until very late last year. I purchased my asarinas as small plants early in the season, and had the same thing happen: they grew into large, lush vines, but didn't bloom. They finally started blooming in fall (once they got established?), and continued to put on a lovely show all winter long (zone 9b). I gave them away this spring due to limited space, so I don't know how they're doing this year. The hummingbirds were big fans of the blooms, which is always a big plus in my book :-).

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

This is my Asarina back in's now done though!

Thumbnail by robcorreia
Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

I am the lucky recipient of sunnyg's asarina vine and it is doing well and does continue to flower. It took a while to recover from the transplanting but it seems to be happy now :-)

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)


Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Mine just started blooming less than a month ago. Yours might yet bloom.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Mine were started from seed this spring, can't remember exactly when tho. If they are fall/winter blooming that's great in my book !

Gainesville, FL

The one you sent to me is doing great, its gotten very large but no blooms yet

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Let me know when it blooms for you. Do you have it in your greenhouse or outside?

Gainesville, FL

I have it sitting outside right now. I wasn;t certain if I should put it in the GH over winter or not. How cold can it take?

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Plant files says to 10 degrees. I'm going to keep one in a pot over the winter just in case. They root easily from cuttings too, so if you wanted to leave it out and just get a few cuttings going to overwinter just in case it would be easy enough.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I'm thinking I'd better start mine now instead of waiting til Spring. Any tips on starting them would be appreciated as I've never grown them before .. T&M Seed starting database says they need light and prefer temps under 80 to start. I have the following:

Asarina antirrhiniflora
Asarina antirrhiniflora var. coccinea
Asarina purpusii
Asarina scandens


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

X, I started mine using the baggie method in a cool window sill. As soon as they sprouted I put them in seed trays under lights. They were slow to grow at first, and I had a hard time keeping them cool enough. Lost a few then moved to a sunny windowsill. You might want to do them in your greenhouse w/o the lights? I know my temps were closer to 70 degrees to start them.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Way too hot in the greenhouse at the moment .. I may start them inside in the a/c.


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I was digging around trying to identify another Snapdragon vine and came across some info that said they like a more alkaline soil. So I may add a little crushed limestone to the soil. Mine have been blooming sporadically but not enough to keep them growing if that's all their going to do.

Gainesville, FL

still so blooms here

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

goth, try increasing the alkalinity, and some bloombuster. Mine did start blooming a bit after the bloom buster. And they don't like to be over watered.

Gainesville, FL

that's good cause mine is only getting rain, LOL

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Mine has started to flower and many more buds on it this year older seems to make a huge difference.

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