Tonight's Moonbow

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

This picture is from google, not from me...but it is as close as I could find to show what we saw tonight. My camera just couldn't capture it...totally mind-blowing beauty! There she sat, in her regal golden skirt, high in the late night sky - so bright that no stars could be seen. Obviously the Lady was jealous of last weeks solar eclipse giving her estranged mate too much attention, so what else is a Lady to do? Her glorious aurora made it quite clear that she is and always will be the Queen of the Night.

We felt very privileged to witness this extraordinary sight...has anyone else been lucky enough to see one? Tell us about it, please.


Thumbnail by Islandshari

Very beautiful.
I have seen this before, it's eerie...

Keaau, HI

Choice view Shari!

In Hawai'i we call those "Moonbows". It means rain!

Xai Xai, Mozambique

my, very beautiful! i haven't seen anything like it before. i know what you mean by not being able to capture it on your camera, i tried it with a full moon and shimmering ocean beneath, and it didn't turn out very well. we once had a german photographer take pictures from our house, they came out beautifully!
since we are on the subject, has anyone noticed unusually large and bright 'star' that comes up around the same time as the moon? well it does here anyway. we looked through our telescope, and its not a star, its a planet. i have heard before that Mars is coming closer in its orbit, and that it should be the size of the moon in late August, but i thought it was crap. now i am not so sure. any thoughts?

Sorry to say that story about Mars has been going around for YEARS....

Keaau, HI

Usually the bright planet / star is Venus!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

It could also be Sirius. Said to be the brightest thing in the night sky other than the moon.

Yes Dave, we call them Moonbows as well...hence the title of this thread. And we have had rain daily for the last couple of weeks...3 1/2 inches on our Tuesday - your Monday. More this am when we awoke...the moonbow did not lie.

Hi Hetty! Yep, eerie, yet so very beautiful. The first ring was gold with myriad colors mixed in, the second ring was typically rainbow striped colors but with a gold overcast and much fainter than the first...

Westraad, we have a great many talented photographers with fancy equipment here on island...I'm hoping that one or two of them were able to capture the sight. It definately would take more than the usual point and shoot.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Just catching up on weeks of chat while I had no internet -what a beautiful moonbow!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I saw something like that when I was in HI and thought it had that effect because of the VOG. How cool, I saw a moonbow!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


In Canada, in winter, you often see such moonbows when minuscule snow crystals ride in a gossamer layer between the viewer and the moon. It is very pretty. It usually indicates that much colder weather is on the way. Yeah, like we need much colder weather in winter in Canada.

Aside from Venus, interesting and easy planets are:
- Jupiter and its 4 biggest satellites which look as pretty as a diamond ring's gems in the telescope.
- Saturn produces a yellowish white spot in the sky and a very nice object with its 3 biggest satellites.
- Mars which is just almost always a disappointing object, you never see any detail on the surface. You never see its 2 satellites (Phobos and Deimos). And don't get me started about that email that has been making the rounds for years telling you that Mars will be bigger than the moon. Yeah, right... With the right kind of weed and enough hooch, it will also perform irish dances if you look long and hard enough.

I haven't seen a total eclipse of the sun in such a long time. I was a kid when I last saw one. We had one in Montreal about 15-20 years ago during lunch your but it wasn't a total eclipse. I don't watch moon eclipses any more.

Take care, all.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I seriously doubt it was vog, the wind was from the wrong direction, and with all our rain lately we just didn't have any at all. It is rare, but it does happen, that we get Hawaii's vog, and when it does I really empathize with all my Hawaiian friends...NOT FUN! So, yes, I am sure you saw a moonboww.

Jenny!!!!! Aloha!!!!! We have missed you girl! Hope everything is kopacetic now. Meet Westraad from Mozambique...very interesting person, who seems to have just the right buttons to turn on the strange humors of Randy and Tropicbreeze. He fit right in!

I wish the picture was more colorful, it was such an amazing sight...phones were ringing all over the island telling others to go out and see it...just incredible.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hiya Polarbear! We cross posted...I would never purposely ingore you. We were prepared to see 90% of the eclipse...(easiest to watch through x-ray film), but the weather would not cooperate...a big gray raincloud sat right over the area for exactly the right amount of time to cause us to miss it. Saw it about 3/4 eclipsed though...and the light was very eerie. Summer in the Pacific Islands is full of lots of atmospheric excitement. Lots of folks from here sailed down to Lib and some of the other island where they got to see 100%. That would be cool. I didn't get to go...pout....


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Shari, I wasn't doubting you I just had never heard of a moonbow back in the spring when I saw it and I could not think of any other reason other than the vog. You are right, vog is nasty stuff.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh I know Ardesia! I was just confirming that what YOU saw was a moonbow, cuz I doubt they are caused by vog...giggle, it is so easy to misunderstand each other in print! I was acknowledging that you are a lucky person to have seen one...boy I talk too much!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, you just keep on talking Shari.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

hi jenny, nice to meet you! actually, didn't i meet you on my first thread? i can't remember everyone who welcomed me...
hmm, i am interesting. first time i hear that, Shari. does that mean bad or good? i know some people call others 'interesting' when they don't like them.
you do talk a lot, but you go right ahead! i am a chatterbox myself.
i will have to look through the telescope again when the storm clears up, maybe i can identify what planet it is... thanks for the info!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sailors call them Dog Moons, I believe. It is a precursor to rain...or unsettled weather... Beautiful tho.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hey Carol! How's the weather? Felicia affecting Balihoya? "Dog moons"

Westraad...I meant interesting in that you talk good story, have a sense of humor,and you are well...interesting!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, remember Arte Johnson on Rowan & Martin's Laugh In?

Verrry eenteresting.........

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Westraad...around here it is the artists who are 'put off' when someone looks at their work and says "Um...interesting..." People on the other hand .... I would be offended, maybe by an offhand "nice" but never 'interesting'..... Especially from Shari who is mighty interesting herself!!!!


Xai Xai, Mozambique

thank you, shari. you know, most of my friends my age find me boring, i mean, i like gardening, i like mushy, romantic family movies, i am a bookworm, i talk too much, and about boring subjects according to them, and i never do anything 'exciting'. so thanks for the compliment. oops, i probably should have kept my mouth shut about romantic movies, i hope rj and breeze don't read this thread.....
my, another Carol! i now know, lets see, i think 5 Carols. you know if you were ever to see my attempts at 'art' you would say "um...interesting..." but thats ok, my family on my dad's side are very artistic, but i am NOT! it doesn't bother me though, i am not interested in it anyways.
and i do agree, shari is quite interesting, in a good way. i am quite new, but i got a feeling she is the backbone of this forum! Tbreeze and RJ are the clowns...

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


Westraad, I had to look up Xai Xai in Google Earth so I could have a better idea where it saw within Mozambique. It seems nice. Is that a botanical garden I see 2 blocks away from the olympic pool? Anyhow, it's a very exotic location. I was reading what you like. I'm not a fan of a mushy romantic movies at all but I will go see Julie & Julia as soon as I can because I loved Julia Child so much. She basically taught me how to cook through her grainy black & white TV shows.

Your other interests are also mine. I have loads of non-gardening friends whose eyes glaze over when I mention something growing in my garden, about to bloom or when I email them pictures of my blooms. The worst offender is my father who goes limp, hangs his head and snores when I talk about anything to do with plants. I was a big disappointment to him when, as a kid, I didn't show an interest in billiards. He never truly forgave me. To this day, I can't shoot pool to save my life. I can live with that.

When you know me better, you'll include me in the clown category with RJ and Tbreeze. That's OK. I'll be in good company. I have a twisted way of looking at the world and a biting, raw humor that has to be kept in check in mixed company and on Dave's Garden.

Take care, all.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Another Carol????? You mean...I am not unique? Never met another Carol until I moved to Hawaii....and they are around nearly every corner here. Ms. Lombard was really popular here in the early '40s!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well, she's still popular at my house! Love those old movies! But ARE unique! There ain't NO BODY like you my friend! Out here we have waaaay to many Carolynes, Carolines,Carol lynns...we practically have to call them by last names!

A clown Polarbear? You?!?! Surely you jest!

No Westraad...the spine of this forum is constucted from good friends, good conversation, lots of loving people and lots of fun. You found a good one!


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Shari, let me tell you this: the Pope, a realtor, a mexican and a a lady of the night are sitting the bar. No, wait. I can't tell that here. Maybe when we meet in person. May that day come soon.

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I would love to be there, Pu'ole.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Aaaaah...I wanted to hear the rest! Hi there Christi! Maybe in the Spring when we go home for Nina's baby and come down to Tx for a visit, we can get Sylvain to come as well. Then we can all hear the joke!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You're coming to TEXAS?!?!?!?! Where have I been?

Shari's comin' to Texas! Wow! Did you hear that?


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

OOOHHH, a visit to Texas next spring! I wish I could swing that one. I certainly have enough time to plan. That would be such fun to finally meet all of you wonderful people. Oh, now you've got me dreaming.

In other news, I'm glad I didn't finish that story.

Take care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

The stopover will be in Dallas this time, right? At my house? Ok. How many can be here? Will start planning right away. Oh. Can't depend on a date for a baby can we. That's ok. We are flexible.

Sylvain, we can pick you up at the airport. Jennie, Carol is it time to come to Texas? Oh what a day that would be!!!


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh, thank you so much but polar bears are notorious for their shiness and pathological need for autonomy. I am not a control freek but I have to always be autonomous. I can't bother anyone and wouldn't have it any other way.

I have it all figured out: I would input your address into my trusted GPS and have a rental car and hotel reservations waiting for me us before we land. I just checked the map and there is no way I am driving all the way there; not when airplanes make it so easy. We would also stay a couple days in the area, seeing the sights and enjoying a great timewith our new texan friends. But I agree with you: what a day that would be. When we have a date set, I will go find us some reservations.

Maybe Gail would come with me. maybe she won't. That's up in the air and easily addressed. I can arrange for someone to stay with her while I am gone.

I'm excited.
Pu'ole, a.k.a. Sylvain.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hi everyone,
i had lovely, busy weekend, just now reading all the updates. actually Sylvain, that area you are refering is a completely natural area, untouched by humans. and yes, it is very nice here, i wouldn't want to live any place else.
Wow, you guys are going to have a reunion, eh? well you will have to tell me all about, unfortunately i can't come of course, Moz is a little far from texas!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

We have a brand new Holiday Inn Express about 2-3 miles from my home. I have stayed in them in other locations and they have always been more than adequate and very nice. Maybe we could get a block of rooms. whooohooo!

Can't wait!


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Holiday Inn, Comfort Inn, whatever there is around your place will be fine with me. That way, we can all be together while not being in everyone's space 24/24. That taken care off, all that remains is to have fun. I'll bring my big eyeblass with a rubber nose and a fake moustache. It's always a big hit.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

have seen the picture and it was hilarious. We must not let this die out.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

You are right Christi...can't say for sure with babies. We were planning on the Texas part with our next trip home, and Nina's announcement just changed it from this fall to next spring. We had planned on a couple of days in the Dallas area anyhoo...have these friends there who shall remain nameless but their initials are Mike and Christi...figured we could talk his nibs the King of Jungle Heights into joining us...Sylvain will make it a party! I just wish I could give you an exact date! As things get closer, we will surely be able to pin it down a bit better.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Have you given us this precious news and I just missed it? That sort of thing usually gets my attention real fast.

What a day of rejoicing.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Nah, hadn't said anything yet, cuz we didn't know for sure when/if. Now, its pretty sure, just not clear on the when.

I know, I'm kind of "assuming" you all will want to visit with us...but gosh! We had so much fun last time, it never dawned on me that someone would say no! My bad...


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You must be kidding! I can hardly wait. Hopefully, there will be more time and Mike can bbq for you. The more we could get here, the better. Everyone is invited and if necessary, the entire hotel could be reserved. We have one queen bed in the guest room so that would be rather limiting.
Other than sleeping, we can get as many as a lot 95X80 will hold.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Looks like it will be sometime in the March time frame. I'm excited on so many accounts!


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